On Tue, 30 Jan 2007 17:44:52 +0000, Neil MacLeod wrote: > Minimo is no longer being actively developed: > > http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/dougt/archives/017337.html > > DougT and the Mozilla Organisation apparently have big ideas for it's > replacement, something called "Mobile Companion", I can only hope it's > development is less shambolic than that of Minimo. > > I personally don't agree with their reasons for not continuing with Minimo > - it's pretty clear they were struggling to get it to work on the mobile > phone platform, however the Internet Tablet platform should be perfect for > Minimo. > > Antonio did a great job bringing Minimo to the 770, I wouldn't blame him > if he didn't continue though. > > It would be great if Nokia picked up the Minimo pieces, or ported their > S60 browser to the Internet Tablet thus breaking the dependency on > closed-source Opera. Even I'll like to jump on this thread and claim that my browsing experience on N800 did not came out to be any better using both either Minimo or Opera, then of my experience on Palm Zire72 device using Opera mini and default Palm browser. /kevin