On Fri, 2007-01-26 at 18:34 -0800, James Sparenberg wrote: > > http://maemo.org/maemowiki/ApplicationCatalog2006 > > yes and filed a bug against it, for some reason if I install it I loose > graphics in the themes (files are there but I'got a white border to the left > and no graphics on keyboards popups etc. Not sure but it fights with either > fuse or pptp enabled kernel. To be on the safe side, I proceeded as follows with my N800 (which has sssh installed): 1/ on my desktop Linux pc mkdir -p /tmp/n cd /tmp/n wget http://mummola.cs.tut.fi/n770/files/busybox_1.01-4.osso10-ipv6.etc1_armel.deb ar x busybox_1.01-4.osso10-ipv6.etc1_armel.deb data.tar.gz tar xfz data.tar.gz mv ./bin/busybox ./bin/busybox2 scp ./bin/busybox2 root at YOURNOKIA:/bin/ 2/ then on my N800 as root cd /usr/bin ln -s /bin/busybox2 ip ln -s /bin/busybox2 nc ln -s /bin/busybox2 ping ln -s /bin/busybox2 ping6 ln -s /bin/busybox2 telnet ln -s /bin/busybox2 traceroute 3/ Enjoy ping/ping6/telnet/traceroute and no risk to brick your N800 :). I did that because I noticed the list of app is not identical compared to the default busybox one: - [[ + depmod - fuser + ip + nc + ping + ping6 - sysctl + telnet + traceroute + wget Plus I believe busybox has options per apps. I wish busybox developers would make a busybox-extraNN that doesn't touch the existing system busybox. Okay you loose 300kB of flash but who cares :). I also wish nokia would include ping, telnet and traceroute by default :). Laurent http://guerby.org/blog/