The heat is just the system being well used! :) Mine does the same -- especially streaming for an extended period. I don't power-off at all - just leave it on and use the Power Key / D-Pad combo to lock the screen and buttons. If you match the duration (Control Panel / Display) for both the Brightness and switch off (say to 2 min) the screen will immediately shut down and lock. The unit is still on and will actually still remain or continue to connect based on your timeout settings... I usually leave mine in this way on my night stand charging overnight and in the am, it's connected and live with the latest info... I have the RSS Reader set to auto-refresh every 30 min on any connection which re-initiates any timed out issue. Unlike the Palm, there is an actual power function, which you can opt to use if you like. I think it's a personal thing. I like that it's just on and ready to do what I ask, without having to wait the 1-2 min to start up. On 1/25/07, Anuj Verma (Kevin) <kevin.verma at> wrote: > Hello list, > > I got my N800 device on Tuesday and I am glad for this device, but since > this is my first Nokia 770/N800 device I'll better ask for your help. > > 1. N800 heats > I have noticed that while keeping N800 on charging while say if I am > playing radio streams, the back of the device seems heated. > - Please suggest why and howto prevent ? > > 2. Poweroff needed when not in use ? > I just leave this device on, I had been using palm devices before and I > had never noticed a power off function there only reset. > - How is this different in N800 ? > - Should I power off this device when I am not using it ? > > Regards, > Kevin > > _______________________________________________ > maemo-users mailing list > maemo-users at > > -- Jonathan Greene m 917.560.3000 AIM / iChat - atmasphere gtalk / jabber - jonathangreene at Gizmo - JonathanGreene blog -