Hi there to the list(s)... I released the new version of gpe-sudoku which is now compatible to IT2006 and implements the following new features: * Support for Save/Load puzzles * generating random puzzles using sudoku-sensei The project is hosted at linuxtogo at the following URL: http://projects.linuxtogo.org/projects/gpe-sudoku/ Sudoku-sensei (http://sudoku-sensei.sf.net) is a (GPL) library written by Martin Knoblauch Revuelta. Save files are simple XML files in the following format: <worksheet name="something_timestamp" difficulty="hard"> <cell value="0" idx="0"> <guess value="3" /> <guess value="4" /> </cell> <cell value="2" idx="2"> </cell> ... </worksheet> If anyone can suggest me some source where you can get puzzles I (or you) can generate some converters to the XML format described above. Please send me feedback as long as the software should be very bugged (all the work of porting and adding the new features has been done yesterday night from 1:30 am till 5:00 am so i bet it is bugged). Cheers, Luca