Hi, I think we are wasting our time trying to help someone who doesn't deserve this time. Let's go back to the work and make something more productive and redirect his comments to /dev/null. There are a lot of developers developing software for 770 today. I agree with the idea of open the OS2006 and the SDK development even more, but blaming the Nokia developer isn't the right way to do this. Alessandro, if you don't like your 770, why don't you sell it to another developer in Brazil? There are a lot of people interested in 770 here and Nokia does not sell this device here yet. Thanks, Osvaldo On 8/28/06, Eduardo de Barros Lima <eblima at gmail.com> wrote: > On 8/28/06, Alessandro Ikeuchi <aikeuchi at santanderbanespa.com.br> wrote: > > Bah... > > My future features are more realistic: > > -source codes; > > -more reliable API docs; > > -more reliable SDK docs; > > Instead of complaining about everything and blaming everyone, you > could use your time to do something more productive (e.g., googling). > Have you discovered one of the following pages? [cut-a-lot-of-useful-links-to-reliable-documentation] -- Osvaldo Santana Neto (aCiDBaSe) icq, url = (11287184, "http://www.pythonbrasil.com.br")