Yes, I did, and none work for me... This list included. Funny, I learned a lot of GTK and it was surprisingly easy to develop on it, for Maemo even the most basic is a nightmare. Instead of show me these crap links (that I searched many times) WHY YOU DON'T SEND ME THE Notes SOURCES, hein? I am sure that five minutes of hack and I would achieve my goals... And I am not blaming EVERYONE, only the people from Nokia, may be you, at Recife... And I blame as customer, because I bought and I paid, and this cash is supposed to pay wages for competent and skillful work, not for a crap where simple dead keys became a bad trip. And what's this? "There are a lot more. I'm sure you'll find them." Are you kidding me? There's solid GTK docs, no doubt, but for Maemo? Even the samples are broken... Linux has thousands of apps, Maemos is around since when? Almost one year? And all we have is that pathetic list were the most useful are console based apps... It?s yours "lot more"? I never needed to "get involved", linux docs is online, "linux from scratch" is available for everyone. Just read it, and read again, let?s open the damn header file if necessary... Because the sources are there as is... Alessandro Linux User since 1999 and unhappy nokia 770 owner since june/2006 -----Original Message----- From: Eduardo de Barros Lima [mailto:eblima at] Sent: segunda-feira, 28 de agosto de 2006 18:56 To: Alessandro Ikeuchi Cc: maemo-developers at; maemo-users at Subject: Re: [maemo-users] RE: [maemo-developers] Future features for Maemo Desktop On 8/28/06, Alessandro Ikeuchi <aikeuchi at> wrote: > Bah... > My future features are more realistic: > -source codes; > -more reliable API docs; > -more reliable SDK docs; Instead of complaining about everything and blaming everyone, you could use your time to do something more productive (e.g., googling). Have you discovered one of the following pages? There are a lot more. I'm sure you'll find them. Best Regards, -- Eduardo de Barros Lima eblima at Essa mensagem ? destinada exclusivamente ao seu destinat?rio e pode conter informa??es confidenciais, protegidas por sigilo profissional ou cuja divulga??o seja proibida por lei. O uso n?o autorizado de tais informa??es ? proibido e est? sujeito ?s penalidades cab?veis. This message is intended exclusively for its addressee and may contain information that is confidential and protected by a professional privilege or whose disclosure is prohibited by law. Unauthorized use of such information is prohibited and subject to applicable penalties.