Here's a little script I knocked up to allow easy syncing of the Nokia's time to an NTP server. It has the following prerequisites: 1) ntpdate must be installed. 2) the /usr/bin/ntpdate executable must be marked as SUID root. 3) /etc/sudoers must have the following line added: user ALL = NOPASSWD: /mnt/initfs/usr/bin/retutime * Given that, then this script will: a) identify the current default gateway b) Attempt to sync to an NTP server there (many gateways will be running NTPD so their log files can be correctly timestamped). c) If that is successful, commit the new time to the RTC using the retutime command. d) If that is NOT successful, then attempt to use one of the servers to sync. e) if that is successful, then commit the time. I've placed this command into /home/user/bin, and created an entry in the loadapplet command list for it - thus, I can connect, force a sync, and have the clock be set correctly. Bonus points if somebody wanted to either a) hook this into the network connect scripts or b) hook in the "force network connection active" command into this. #!/bin/sh # if no args give, re-run with the default route if [ -z $1 ] then exec $0 `/sbin/route | grep ^default` fi # extract the default route destination gateway=$2 # OK, see if he is running a time server, and use him if so echo Trying to sync to $gateway if /usr/sbin/ntpdate -t .5 -u -b -p8 $gateway then echo synced to $gateway sudo /mnt/initfs/usr/bin/retutime -I exit 0 fi # if that didn't work, try for a pool server echo Trying to sync to if /usr/sbin/ntpdate -u -b -p8 then echo synced to sudo /mnt/initfs/usr/bin/retutime -I exit 0 fi exit 1