Hello, this is probably the wrong mailing list to ask, but it is the best one I know about. If you know a better place, please let me know and I will ask there. I am about the by a Nokia 770 (a Sharp Zaurus SL-C3200 is a close second choice). When I want to upgrade the OS on the Nokia 770, it seems that I need a MS Windows systems, at least the German Nokia website tells this. Can the Nokia 770 boot (and maybe install) from an USB stick? Thanks, Rainer PS: Does anybody know, if the Zaurus may be upgraded without a Windows system....I have none. -- Rainer Dorsch Alzentalstr. 28 D-71083 Herrenberg 07032-919495 Icq: 32550367 GPG Fingerprint: 5966 C54C 2B3C 42CC 1F4F 8F59 E3A8 C538 7519 141E Full GPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu/