Hi, I recently discovered the joys of the Music Player Daemon (MPD; http://www.musicpd.org/) and additionally I've discovered an ideal client to be ported to the Nokia 770--it's called glurp (http://www.musicpd.org/glurp.shtml). I've compiled it in scratchbox and it runs on my device, but I would like to do a proper port, utilizing IAP connectivity, the hard keys, and all that. To that end, I've tried following the "port existing application" tutorial on maemo.org, but there is a major difference between Gaim and Glurp--Glurp uses Glade to do it's GUI. I'm getting hung up on what kind of changes might be required to Glurp's source code to integrate it into Maemo. I tried doing the other stuff (.desktop file; dbus .service file; LD_PRELOAD for IAP) without changing the source code, but that didn't work--presumably because there was no real D-BUS service for Glurp--it either wouldn't start or closed shortly after launching. Any tips on porting a Glade app to Maemo would be greatly appreciated. -- Andrew Barr | http://www.oakcourt.dyndns.org/~andrew/