On Fri, 2006-06-16 at 17:00, ext Chris Bare wrote: > Has anyone seen any problems with the beta and formatting mmc cards? > This may actually be a hardware problem with my mmc, but I wanted to check > here and see what people thing. > > With the 2005 software I had a couple of directories on the card that would > give me I/O errors from both the 770 and my linux desktop. > Today I decided to try to fix that by formatting the mmc card using the 2006 > beta sofware. After several seconds, I got an error that said: > memory card corrupt or unformatted > > On repeated attempts, it gives no error, but then says no memory card is > inserted. > > I plugged the usb into my desktop, and was able to fdisk the card as well as > create an ext2 filesystem on it. I got no error from mkfs, so I thought maybe > the card was OK. > I've tried various combinations of fdisk and using the 770 to format it, but > so far no luck. > What do you think, is this a hardware or software issue? Unfortunately I only > have the 64MB card that came with the 770 because I never needed another one. Please check the "MMC partitions w/ ITOS2006" thread in the mailing list archives. (The 'dd if=zero ...' trick there should work.) BR; Kimmo