I'm happy to announce the 0.5 version of Eagle[1] and release the new Maemo Task Manager[2,3]. This new Eagle version comes with some improvements and a new component: a Rich Text renderer. This new component is able to parse and display a HTML subset, with font options and lists, however we still miss tables. Eagle is improving fast, but it's API is almost stable, no radical changes are expected in near future, just bugfixes, optimizations and few missing components to be added (like a notebook/tabcontrol-like widget). Another contribution to both Maemo and Eagle community is the brand new "Maemo Task Manager", which allows you to monitor processes and even kill them (useful for developers and bleeding edge users). Task Manager was created to show how easy is to develop an application using Python and Eagle: GUI code, with all bells and whistles, is just 225 lines (counting spaces and comments and help text!), while code to read "/proc" and calc statistics is about 211. Please report bugs to my mail: gustavo.barbieri at indt.org.br Task Manager, Eagle and PyMaemo are sponsored by INdT. [1] http://www.gustavobarbieri.com.br/eagle/packages/python-eagle_0.5maemo.deb [2] http://www.gustavobarbieri.com.br/eagle/packages/maemo-taskmanager_1.0_arm.deb [3] http://blog.gustavobarbieri.com.br/2006/05/maemo-task-manager-and-new-eagle.html -- Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri ------------------------ INdT, Recife, Brazil Jabber: barbieri at gmail.com MSN: barbieri at gmail.com ICQ#: 17249123 Skype: gsbarbieri Mobile: +55 (81) 9927 0010 Phone: +1 (347) 624 6296; 08122692 at sip.stanaphone.com GPG: 0xB640E1A2 @ wwwkeys.pgp.net