Thank you,Frantisek, for pointing the right track. Right now, i've managed to write the developer fss2 onto a ext3 formatted RS-MMC, and booting into it using the flasher (and, of course, now i have 1 Gb for the system..).There's also an option to boot from usb (external hd?).I havent tested it, and maybe the power-supply issue would be involved here. I havent tested modifiying the linuxrc file, but it looks that may be possible, as (as far i can see), uses the same check than the gainroot file (ie, checking if the device is in rd-mode) to display the menu (i'm talking from battery on my 770 right now..) I hope this will make developing easier than using the scratchbox system (am i wrong in that?..i got my 770 less than a week back, so i'm a complete newbie). _________________________________________________________________ Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!