Hello Philippe, Its really great somebody is really willed to put something working together instead of talking about licensing, design on and on. I started myself to "port" JamVM and Classpath to the 770 and got some swing/awt demos working but stopped till my limited resources after I identified two problems with the AWT implementation (one of the could be solved with a quick&dirty hack but I would like to do it properly). I used JamVM since it was the only free jvm I got working with the maemo build-sets out of the box (tried sablejvm, kaffe and jamvm) and its known to be fast (for an interpreter). If I've some time left I really would join your project/effort, do you plan to start development in an open process? I don't have the time to start such a project but I would be willed to contribute one or more fixes ;) > device and precompiled to native at installation. GCJ is definitely a > player here. Despite its seeming excessive long-term memory consumption, Yep I know the problem with discussion everything is that everybody has own opinions, and to make everybody feel comfortable with a solution is more or less not possible. Just my opinion: GCJ is very large and memory intensiv, I think it will efforts in this direction will eventually fail. Kaffe's JIT supports ARM but its currently broken. lg Clemens