[Sorry, subscribed only now so I can't follow up directly to the thread] I am also curious about this question, but *not restricted* to joe. I am aware of the Send Ctrl-<some-key> in the X Terminal application menu and the additions to .joerc I will have to occasionally use the 770 to ssh into work computers etc., and may have to do various fixes/things in various editors. For something like emacs or even nano the Ctrl-<some-key> method doesn't really cut it. I will probably get a BT keyboard soon, which may make this question mute, but I'd still be curious whether a more convenient "770 built-in" solution exists. Thanks, Stefan -- Stefan Boresch Institute for Biomolecular Structural Chemistry University of Vienna, Waehringerstr. 17 A-1090 Vienna, Austria Phone: -43-1-427752715 Fax: -43-1-427752790