Hi, I wonder what formats are accepted for "Open stream...." of the nokia 770 video player (am I at the right place here for asking that? not sure...) I tried to use mpeg4 (DIVX), but it cannot open that over a http stream. Specifically, what I try to do is: - reencode movie - put reencoded version onto apache2 published directory on my host pc. - using the nokia770, open video player, "open stream...", enter url like http://192.168.../nokia-videos/xyz.avi This yields "unsupported", however.. I saw http://www.europe.nokia.com/faqsearch/ShowQA?id=50988&prod=1843&ch=79637&si=60®=3&adv=false&qt= and http://maemo.org/maemowiki/VideoEncoding but they don't say anything in particular about streaming... cheers, Danny