Veeambackup seems to access the volume (/var/log/veeam/veeamsvc.log):
[02.07.2019 00:01:18] <140503985145600> lpbcore| Found device:
[/dev/dm-3]. Device number: [253:3]; Type: [dm].
[02.07.2019 00:01:18] <140503985145600> lpbcore| Dm name:
[02.07.2019 00:01:18] <140503985145600> lpbcore| Dm UUID:
[02.07.2019 00:01:18] <140503985145600> lpbcore| Slave of: [8:64].
[02.07.2019 00:01:18] <140503985145600> lpbcore| Link: [/dev/dm-3].
[02.07.2019 00:01:18] <140503985145600> lpbcore| Link:
[02.07.2019 00:01:18] <140503985145600> lpbcore| Link: [/dev/block/253:3].
[02.07.2019 00:01:18] <140503985145600> lpbcore| Link:
[02.07.2019 00:01:18] <140503985145600> lpbcore| Link:
[02.07.2019 00:01:18] <140503985145600> lpbcore| Link:
[02.07.2019 00:01:18] <140503985145600> lpbcore| Link:
[02.07.2019 00:01:18] <140503985145600> lpbcore| Filesystem UUID:
[c9f9314e-4ce0-4138-b9b5-c745fdc22258]; Type: [ext4]; Mount points:
I wonder if veeam uses its own namespace.
On 10/07/2019 13:54, Simon ELBAZ wrote:
Hi Zdenek,
Thanks for your feedback.
The kernel version is:
[root@panoramix ~]# uname -a
Linux 2.6.32-573.12.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue
Dec 15 21:19:08 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
This server is a corosync/pacemaker cluster node experiencing troubles
at failover.
The error happening during the failover is:
Jul 2 03:08:09 panoramix pgsql(pri_postgres)[18708]: INFO: Changing
pri_postgres-status on : HS:alone->HS:async.
Jul 2 03:08:10 panoramix LVM(pri_ISCSIVG0_vg_obm)[18618]: ERROR:
Logical volume vg_obm/var_spool_imap in use. Can't deactivate volume
group "vg_obm" with 1 open logical volume(s)
Jul 2 03:08:10 panoramix LVM(pri_ISCSIVG0_vg_obm)[18618]: ERROR: LVM:
vg_obm did not stop correctly
Jul 2 03:08:10 panoramix LVM(pri_ISCSIVG0_vg_obm)[18618]: WARNING:
vg_obm still Active
Jul 2 03:08:10 panoramix LVM(pri_ISCSIVG0_vg_obm)[18618]: INFO: Retry
deactivating volume group vg_obm
This is why I am trying to understand how the field is computed.
The grep in mountinfo is attached to the mail.
The volume is presented as a raw device by VMWare hypervisor and is
backuped by Veeam:
[root@panoramix ~]# ps -ef | grep vee
root 2877 1 0 Jul04 ? 00:01:10 /usr/sbin/veeamservice
--daemonize --pidfile=/var/run/
root 5207 2 0 Jul05 ? 00:00:00 [veeamsnap_log]
root 21475 21004 0 13:53 pts/2 00:00:00 grep vee
On 10/07/2019 12:51, Zdenek Kabelac wrote:
Dne 10. 07. 19 v 9:13 Simon ELBAZ napsal(a):
This LV seems mounted on single mountpoint.
The lsof output is:
Which kernel version is this - aren't we tracking issue for some
ancient kernel ?
Why have you actually started to hunt the reason for opencount 2 ?
Has the machine experienced some troubles ?
Aren't there some namespaces in use - so i.e. volume is used in
different namespace ??
grep 253:3 /proc/*/mountinfo - showing something unusual ?
Simon Elbaz
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