Setting up LVM cache causes crash

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3.10.0-123.6.3.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Aug 6 21:12:36 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

In trying to set up the new LVM caching, I've run into some issues. I have followed the steps in the lvm manual:

       0. Create an origin LV we wish to cache (yours may already exist)

       # lvcreate -L 10G -n lvx vg /dev/slow


       Already Exists

       1. Create a cache data LV

       # lvcreate -L 1G -n lvx_cache vg /dev/fast

       [root@cheeseboy mysql_python]# vgextend dataraid10 /dev/md30 /dev/md31 /dev/md32 /dev/md33 /dev/md34


       [root@cheeseboy mysql_python]# lvcreate -i 5 -I 32 -l 100%FREE -n dataraid10ssdcache dataraid10

  Logical volume "dataraid10ssdcache" created

       2. Create a cache metadata LV

       # lvcreate -L 8M -n lvx_cache_meta vg /dev/fast

       [root@cheeseboy mysql_python]# vgextend dataraid10 /dev/md35

       [root@cheeseboy mysql_python]# lvcreate -i 1 -I 32 -L 20G -n dataraid10metadata dataraid10

  Ignoring stripesize argument with single stripe

  Logical volume "dataraid10metadata" created

       3. Create a cache pool LV specifying cache mode "writethrough"

       # lvconvert --type cache-pool --poolmetadata vg/lvx_cache_meta \

            --cachemode writethrough vg/lvx_cache

       [root@cheeseboy mysql_python]# lvconvert --type cache-pool --poolmetadata dataraid10/dataraid10metadata --cachemode writethrough dataraid10/dataraid10ssdcache

  Converted dataraid10/dataraid10ssdcache to cache pool.


       4. Create a cache LV by combining the cache pool LV and origin LV

       # lvconvert --type cache --cachepool vg/lvx_cache vg/lvx

       [root@cheeseboy mysql_python]# lvconvert --type cache --cachepool dataraid10/dataraid10ssdcache dataraid10/dataraid10one

  dataraid10/dataraid10one is now cached.

[root@cheeseboy mysql_python]# vgchange -a y dataraid10  [==> causes crash]

All the above steps seem to run perfectly fine. The issue arises when I try to activate the volume group after. Every time an activation is attempted the box crashes. Everything works fine once I revert back to before the cache was implemented.

Additional info:

Not sure whether related but running pvscan results in the following:

[root@cheeseboy mysql_python]# pvscan

  No device found for PV gjmSco-2SdO-5uwL-lSQD-nwYo-fUE1-REYBQ4.

  No device found for PV OnYrCH-Qfv0-AMdo-7IKv-bd6L-FgMk-bvQALX.

  No device found for PV cpuPLk-GZWG-hcz4-4Byc-jFVH-d2o3-zT1Yn1.

  No device found for PV dzvkpM-CLSx-UdJG-RUP4-aazN-Ew8Y-z5ePLc.

  No device found for PV 0c7AOC-Ulj3-tHKs-XfLz-1Mgc-AzEn-dOFQJx.

  No device found for PV HDPYYO-Us7J-wpfM-718x-D32U-IEXg-J8tDTa.

  No device found for PV h6F3OG-u3Bm-yjwX-rDe3-xfvm-KxtW-bZa0Zv.

  No device found for PV R0rajR-2os4-3z6g-TWur-6NR5-B5SE-4frydn.

  No device found for PV 7aNXGY-uEOp-54Vc-GWZl-yhEn-DGOG-D8IqDe.




lvdisplay does not show logical volumes:

[root@cheeseboy mysql_python]# lvdisplay

  No device found for PV gjmSco-2SdO-5uwL-lSQD-nwYo-fUE1-REYBQ4.

  No device found for PV OnYrCH-Qfv0-AMdo-7IKv-bd6L-FgMk-bvQALX.

  No device found for PV cpuPLk-GZWG-hcz4-4Byc-jFVH-d2o3-zT1Yn1.

  No device found for PV dzvkpM-CLSx-UdJG-RUP4-aazN-Ew8Y-z5ePLc.

  No device found for PV 0c7AOC-Ulj3-tHKs-XfLz-1Mgc-AzEn-dOFQJx.

  No device found for PV HDPYYO-Us7J-wpfM-718x-D32U-IEXg-J8tDTa.

  No device found for PV h6F3OG-u3Bm-yjwX-rDe3-xfvm-KxtW-bZa0Zv.

  No device found for PV R0rajR-2os4-3z6g-TWur-6NR5-B5SE-4frydn.

  No device found for PV 7aNXGY-uEOp-54Vc-GWZl-yhEn-DGOG-D8IqDe.

  No device found for PV 2GmnAa-b54k-P9kx-LS4t-ZVsq-aMt1-3Eaor2.

  No device found for PV xyRCY0-SnWX-HZXw-t6rj-J8lK-bnhc-2WOh0f.

  No device found for PV L2dFmg-3vo3-Qgzp-cke5-WQAA-2jo3-hYGSR1.

  No device found for PV E52f7l-zIdM-xJCH-Bv3i-Bz59-HXrY-r1dKqU.

  No device found for PV s5M4FU-JW1J-24rU-Jrko-LisL-XceJ-ESxZYx.

  No device found for PV 95bymI-HufG-WuPZ-xRfF-XU2v-vgoE-8T1vTZ.

  No device found for PV mflwNJ-PNDc-iUAJ-2g4J-zMM3-bFBM-4rdnhI.

  No device found for PV iiHFY6-fcco-DTZI-z9Qd-3lDu-lp1p-8BRfED.

  No device found for PV 11wo7e-0uyN-PMUY-Ghf2-4lIK-hAOM-A9yjkK.

  No device found for PV F9BOg5-Teoj-JZhM-ceXi-acFe-tjFi-aP9NYb.

  PV WtZGHQ-aa5r-WvSh-1GHN-uxMu-G9Mu-jy67Hs not recognised. Is the device missing?

  No device found for PV XQHcKW-3vGk-6hSJ-6XQm-U3EO-U2I9-KeQJ2b.

  No device found for PV jdzvH3-dtdp-YAWB-924q-vklQ-ecSz-HEqxls.

  No device found for PV AGvbXF-p5N5-18Wy-VsUa-Nc23-o5Xc-CRFAWW.

  No device found for PV rj4zVq-1NFN-r3Pv-PH2L-mj1j-MAss-0308eY.

  No device found for PV vHThPr-Z2e6-4pHW-2OvI-32f6-IbvZ-Gibrni.

  No device found for PV guPIc9-q8t8-hdCv-33Us-0REQ-iNlG-gkR4yP.

  --- Logical volume ---

  LV Path                /dev/centos_cheeseboy/root

  LV Name                root

  VG Name                centos_cheeseboy

  LV UUID                6WOyCP-nBHy-Uigl-Md0Q-E0hf-ef01-2pnE1S

  LV Write Access        read/write

  LV Creation host, time localhost, 2014-08-14 10:39:43 -0400

  LV Status              available

  # open                 1

  LV Size                100.03 GiB

  Current LE             25607

  Segments               1

  Allocation             inherit

  Read ahead sectors     auto

  - currently set to     256

  Block device           253:0


  --- Logical volume ---

  LV Path                /dev/centos_cheeseboy/swap

  LV Name                swap

  VG Name                centos_cheeseboy

  LV UUID                DAmiIx-El4e-8Ykl-lOY9-74LS-Ovzg-h2Lye4

  LV Write Access        read/write

  LV Creation host, time localhost, 2014-08-14 10:39:44 -0400

  LV Status              available

  # open                 2

  LV Size                11.18 GiB

  Current LE             2862

  Segments               1

  Allocation             inherit

  Read ahead sectors     auto

  - currently set to     256

  Block device           253:1

I am able to get around this by running the "pvscan --cache" command.

[root@cheeseboy mysql_python]# pvscan --cache /dev/md*

[root@cheeseboy mysql_python]# lvdisplay

  --- Logical volume ---

  LV Path                /dev/centos_cheeseboy/root

  LV Name                root

  VG Name                centos_cheeseboy

  LV UUID                6WOyCP-nBHy-Uigl-Md0Q-E0hf-ef01-2pnE1S

  LV Write Access        read/write

  LV Creation host, time localhost, 2014-08-14 10:39:43 -0400

  LV Status              available

  # open                 1

  LV Size                100.03 GiB

  Current LE             25607

  Segments               1

  Allocation             inherit

  Read ahead sectors     auto

  - currently set to     256

  Block device           253:0


  --- Logical volume ---

  LV Path                /dev/centos_cheeseboy/swap

  LV Name                swap

  VG Name                centos_cheeseboy

  LV UUID                DAmiIx-El4e-8Ykl-lOY9-74LS-Ovzg-h2Lye4

  LV Write Access        read/write

  LV Creation host, time localhost, 2014-08-14 10:39:44 -0400

  LV Status              available

  # open                 2

  LV Size                11.18 GiB

  Current LE             2862

  Segments               1

  Allocation             inherit

  Read ahead sectors     auto

  - currently set to     256

  Block device           253:1


  --- Logical volume ---

  LV Path                /dev/dataraid10/dataraid10one

  LV Name                dataraid10one

  VG Name                dataraid10

  LV UUID                wxexCz-Bt86-JT8d-4iFa-esYy-vDqX-LRdfZO

  LV Write Access        read/write

  LV Creation host, time, 2014-08-18 10:27:10 -0400

  LV Status              NOT available

  LV Size                27.84 TiB

  Current LE             7297020

  Segments               1

  Allocation             inherit

  Read ahead sectors     auto


  --- Logical volume ---

  LV Path                /dev/dataraid10/dataraid10two

  LV Name                dataraid10two

  VG Name                dataraid10

  LV UUID                bRxXOb-44NS-DpvG-kwlt-Pqb4-ikrS-57sIS5

  LV Write Access        read/write

  LV Creation host, time, 2014-08-18 10:29:05 -0400

  LV Status              NOT available

  LV Size                16.24 TiB

  Current LE             4256595

  Segments               1

  Allocation             inherit

  Read ahead sectors     auto


  --- Logical volume ---

  LV Path                /dev/dataraid10/tmpdir

  LV Name                tmpdir

  VG Name                dataraid10

  LV UUID                xA6k4n-sDfH-Cnuc-SL1e-jrTZ-s1xW-cxzXvt

  LV Write Access        read/write

  LV Creation host, time, 2014-08-18 10:41:27 -0400

  LV Status              NOT available

  LV Size                405.26 GiB

  Current LE             103747

  Segments               1

  Allocation             inherit

  Read ahead sectors     auto


  --- Logical volume ---

  LV Path                /dev/dataraid10/dataraid10ssdcache

  LV Name                dataraid10ssdcache

  VG Name                dataraid10

  LV UUID                2xhgEd-OLMK-Zwgp-4FgT-5Ncw-msJf-zyLWLa

  LV Write Access        read/write

  LV Creation host, time, 2014-08-25 11:06:26 -0400

  LV Status              NOT available

  LV Size                3.87 TiB

  Current LE             1013475

  Segments               1

  Allocation             inherit

  Read ahead sectors     auto


I've read that disabling the lv2-lvmetad daemon might yield some results. This did not change the outcome.

[root@cheeseboy ~]# service lvm2-lvmetad stop

Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop  lvm2-lvmetad.service

Warning: Stopping lvm2-lvmetad.service, but it can still be activated by:


[root@cheeseboy ~]# systemctl stop lvm2-lvmetad.socket

[root@cheeseboy ~]#

# Generated by LVM2 version 2.02.105(2)-RHEL7 (2014-03-26): Mon Aug 25 12:32:49 2014

contents = "Text Format Volume Group"
version = 1

description = "Created *after* executing 'vgchange -a y dataraid10'"

creation_host = ""	# Linux 3.10.0-123.6.3.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Aug 6 21:12:36 UTC 2014 x86_64
creation_time = 1408984369	# Mon Aug 25 12:32:49 2014

dataraid10 {
	id = "H2Y0Ql-1CxN-idmW-BBFB-tKGi-1OMZ-n7OnR7"
	seqno = 7
	format = "lvm2" # informational
	status = ["RESIZEABLE", "READ", "WRITE"]
	flags = []
	extent_size = 8192		# 4 Megabytes
	max_lv = 0
	max_pv = 0
	metadata_copies = 0

	physical_volumes {

		pv0 {
			id = "gjmSco-2SdO-5uwL-lSQD-nwYo-fUE1-REYBQ4"
			device = "/dev/md10"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv1 {
			id = "OnYrCH-Qfv0-AMdo-7IKv-bd6L-FgMk-bvQALX"
			device = "/dev/md11"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv2 {
			id = "cpuPLk-GZWG-hcz4-4Byc-jFVH-d2o3-zT1Yn1"
			device = "/dev/md12"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv3 {
			id = "dzvkpM-CLSx-UdJG-RUP4-aazN-Ew8Y-z5ePLc"
			device = "/dev/md13"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv4 {
			id = "0c7AOC-Ulj3-tHKs-XfLz-1Mgc-AzEn-dOFQJx"
			device = "/dev/md14"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv5 {
			id = "HDPYYO-Us7J-wpfM-718x-D32U-IEXg-J8tDTa"
			device = "/dev/md15"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv6 {
			id = "h6F3OG-u3Bm-yjwX-rDe3-xfvm-KxtW-bZa0Zv"
			device = "/dev/md16"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv7 {
			id = "R0rajR-2os4-3z6g-TWur-6NR5-B5SE-4frydn"
			device = "/dev/md17"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv8 {
			id = "7aNXGY-uEOp-54Vc-GWZl-yhEn-DGOG-D8IqDe"
			device = "/dev/md18"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv9 {
			id = "2GmnAa-b54k-P9kx-LS4t-ZVsq-aMt1-3Eaor2"
			device = "/dev/md19"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv10 {
			id = "xyRCY0-SnWX-HZXw-t6rj-J8lK-bnhc-2WOh0f"
			device = "/dev/md20"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv11 {
			id = "L2dFmg-3vo3-Qgzp-cke5-WQAA-2jo3-hYGSR1"
			device = "/dev/md21"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv12 {
			id = "E52f7l-zIdM-xJCH-Bv3i-Bz59-HXrY-r1dKqU"
			device = "/dev/md22"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv13 {
			id = "s5M4FU-JW1J-24rU-Jrko-LisL-XceJ-ESxZYx"
			device = "/dev/md23"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv14 {
			id = "95bymI-HufG-WuPZ-xRfF-XU2v-vgoE-8T1vTZ"
			device = "/dev/md24"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv15 {
			id = "mflwNJ-PNDc-iUAJ-2g4J-zMM3-bFBM-4rdnhI"
			device = "/dev/md25"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv16 {
			id = "iiHFY6-fcco-DTZI-z9Qd-3lDu-lp1p-8BRfED"
			device = "/dev/md26"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv17 {
			id = "11wo7e-0uyN-PMUY-Ghf2-4lIK-hAOM-A9yjkK"
			device = "/dev/md27"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv18 {
			id = "F9BOg5-Teoj-JZhM-ceXi-acFe-tjFi-aP9NYb"
			device = "/dev/md28"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv19 {
			id = "WtZGHQ-aa5r-WvSh-1GHN-uxMu-G9Mu-jy67Hs"
			device = "/dev/md29"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 849904256	# 405.266 Gigabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 103747	# 405.262 Gigabytes

	logical_volumes {

		dataraid10one {
			id = "wxexCz-Bt86-JT8d-4iFa-esYy-vDqX-LRdfZO"
			status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"]
			flags = []
			creation_host = ""
			creation_time = 1408372030	# 2014-08-18 10:27:10 -0400
			segment_count = 1

			segment1 {
				start_extent = 0
				extent_count = 7297020	# 27.8359 Terabytes

				type = "striped"
				stripe_count = 12
				stripe_size = 2048	# 1024 Kilobytes

				stripes = [
					"pv0", 0,
					"pv1", 0,
					"pv2", 0,
					"pv3", 0,
					"pv4", 0,
					"pv5", 0,
					"pv6", 0,
					"pv7", 0,
					"pv8", 0,
					"pv9", 0,
					"pv10", 0,
					"pv11", 0

		dataraid10two {
			id = "bRxXOb-44NS-DpvG-kwlt-Pqb4-ikrS-57sIS5"
			status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"]
			flags = []
			creation_host = ""
			creation_time = 1408372145	# 2014-08-18 10:29:05 -0400
			segment_count = 1

			segment1 {
				start_extent = 0
				extent_count = 4256595	# 16.2376 Terabytes

				type = "striped"
				stripe_count = 7
				stripe_size = 2048	# 1024 Kilobytes

				stripes = [
					"pv12", 0,
					"pv13", 0,
					"pv14", 0,
					"pv15", 0,
					"pv16", 0,
					"pv17", 0,
					"pv18", 0

		tmpdir {
			id = "xA6k4n-sDfH-Cnuc-SL1e-jrTZ-s1xW-cxzXvt"
			status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"]
			flags = []
			creation_host = ""
			creation_time = 1408372887	# 2014-08-18 10:41:27 -0400
			segment_count = 1

			segment1 {
				start_extent = 0
				extent_count = 103747	# 405.262 Gigabytes

				type = "striped"
				stripe_count = 1	# linear

				stripes = [
					"pv19", 0
# Generated by LVM2 version 2.02.105(2)-RHEL7 (2014-03-26): Mon Aug 25 12:14:32 2014

contents = "Text Format Volume Group"
version = 1

description = "Created *after* executing 'vgdisplay'"

creation_host = ""	# Linux 3.10.0-123.6.3.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Aug 6 21:12:36 UTC 2014 x86_64
creation_time = 1408983272	# Mon Aug 25 12:14:32 2014

dataraid10 {
	id = "H2Y0Ql-1CxN-idmW-BBFB-tKGi-1OMZ-n7OnR7"
	seqno = 14
	format = "lvm2" # informational
	status = ["RESIZEABLE", "READ", "WRITE"]
	flags = []
	extent_size = 8192		# 4 Megabytes
	max_lv = 0
	max_pv = 0
	metadata_copies = 0

	physical_volumes {

		pv0 {
			id = "gjmSco-2SdO-5uwL-lSQD-nwYo-fUE1-REYBQ4"
			device = "/dev/md10"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv1 {
			id = "OnYrCH-Qfv0-AMdo-7IKv-bd6L-FgMk-bvQALX"
			device = "/dev/md11"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv2 {
			id = "cpuPLk-GZWG-hcz4-4Byc-jFVH-d2o3-zT1Yn1"
			device = "/dev/md12"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv3 {
			id = "dzvkpM-CLSx-UdJG-RUP4-aazN-Ew8Y-z5ePLc"
			device = "/dev/md13"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv4 {
			id = "0c7AOC-Ulj3-tHKs-XfLz-1Mgc-AzEn-dOFQJx"
			device = "/dev/md14"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv5 {
			id = "HDPYYO-Us7J-wpfM-718x-D32U-IEXg-J8tDTa"
			device = "/dev/md15"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv6 {
			id = "h6F3OG-u3Bm-yjwX-rDe3-xfvm-KxtW-bZa0Zv"
			device = "/dev/md16"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv7 {
			id = "R0rajR-2os4-3z6g-TWur-6NR5-B5SE-4frydn"
			device = "/dev/md17"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv8 {
			id = "7aNXGY-uEOp-54Vc-GWZl-yhEn-DGOG-D8IqDe"
			device = "/dev/md18"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv9 {
			id = "2GmnAa-b54k-P9kx-LS4t-ZVsq-aMt1-3Eaor2"
			device = "/dev/md19"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv10 {
			id = "xyRCY0-SnWX-HZXw-t6rj-J8lK-bnhc-2WOh0f"
			device = "/dev/md20"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv11 {
			id = "L2dFmg-3vo3-Qgzp-cke5-WQAA-2jo3-hYGSR1"
			device = "/dev/md21"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv12 {
			id = "E52f7l-zIdM-xJCH-Bv3i-Bz59-HXrY-r1dKqU"
			device = "/dev/md22"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv13 {
			id = "s5M4FU-JW1J-24rU-Jrko-LisL-XceJ-ESxZYx"
			device = "/dev/md23"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv14 {
			id = "95bymI-HufG-WuPZ-xRfF-XU2v-vgoE-8T1vTZ"
			device = "/dev/md24"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv15 {
			id = "mflwNJ-PNDc-iUAJ-2g4J-zMM3-bFBM-4rdnhI"
			device = "/dev/md25"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv16 {
			id = "iiHFY6-fcco-DTZI-z9Qd-3lDu-lp1p-8BRfED"
			device = "/dev/md26"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv17 {
			id = "11wo7e-0uyN-PMUY-Ghf2-4lIK-hAOM-A9yjkK"
			device = "/dev/md27"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv18 {
			id = "F9BOg5-Teoj-JZhM-ceXi-acFe-tjFi-aP9NYb"
			device = "/dev/md28"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 4981437056	# 2.31966 Terabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 608085	# 2.31966 Terabytes

		pv19 {
			id = "WtZGHQ-aa5r-WvSh-1GHN-uxMu-G9Mu-jy67Hs"
			device = "/dev/md29"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 849904256	# 405.266 Gigabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 103747	# 405.262 Gigabytes

		pv20 {
			id = "XQHcKW-3vGk-6hSJ-6XQm-U3EO-U2I9-KeQJ2b"
			device = "/dev/md30"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 1660480128	# 791.779 Gigabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 202695	# 791.777 Gigabytes

		pv21 {
			id = "jdzvH3-dtdp-YAWB-924q-vklQ-ecSz-HEqxls"
			device = "/dev/md31"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 1660480128	# 791.779 Gigabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 202695	# 791.777 Gigabytes

		pv22 {
			id = "AGvbXF-p5N5-18Wy-VsUa-Nc23-o5Xc-CRFAWW"
			device = "/dev/md32"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 1660480128	# 791.779 Gigabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 202695	# 791.777 Gigabytes

		pv23 {
			id = "rj4zVq-1NFN-r3Pv-PH2L-mj1j-MAss-0308eY"
			device = "/dev/md33"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 1660480128	# 791.779 Gigabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 202695	# 791.777 Gigabytes

		pv24 {
			id = "vHThPr-Z2e6-4pHW-2OvI-32f6-IbvZ-Gibrni"
			device = "/dev/md34"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 1660480128	# 791.779 Gigabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 202695	# 791.777 Gigabytes

		pv25 {
			id = "guPIc9-q8t8-hdCv-33Us-0REQ-iNlG-gkR4yP"
			device = "/dev/md35"	# Hint only

			status = ["ALLOCATABLE"]
			flags = []
			dev_size = 199258880	# 95.014 Gigabytes
			pe_start = 2048
			pe_count = 24323	# 95.0117 Gigabytes

	logical_volumes {

		dataraid10one {
			id = "wxexCz-Bt86-JT8d-4iFa-esYy-vDqX-LRdfZO"
			status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"]
			flags = []
			creation_host = ""
			creation_time = 1408372030	# 2014-08-18 10:27:10 -0400
			segment_count = 1

			segment1 {
				start_extent = 0
				extent_count = 7297020	# 27.8359 Terabytes

				type = "cache"
				cache_pool = "dataraid10ssdcache"
				origin = "dataraid10one_corig"

		dataraid10two {
			id = "bRxXOb-44NS-DpvG-kwlt-Pqb4-ikrS-57sIS5"
			status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"]
			flags = []
			creation_host = ""
			creation_time = 1408372145	# 2014-08-18 10:29:05 -0400
			segment_count = 1

			segment1 {
				start_extent = 0
				extent_count = 4256595	# 16.2376 Terabytes

				type = "striped"
				stripe_count = 7
				stripe_size = 2048	# 1024 Kilobytes

				stripes = [
					"pv12", 0,
					"pv13", 0,
					"pv14", 0,
					"pv15", 0,
					"pv16", 0,
					"pv17", 0,
					"pv18", 0

		tmpdir {
			id = "xA6k4n-sDfH-Cnuc-SL1e-jrTZ-s1xW-cxzXvt"
			status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"]
			flags = []
			creation_host = ""
			creation_time = 1408372887	# 2014-08-18 10:41:27 -0400
			segment_count = 1

			segment1 {
				start_extent = 0
				extent_count = 103747	# 405.262 Gigabytes

				type = "striped"
				stripe_count = 1	# linear

				stripes = [
					"pv19", 0

		dataraid10ssdcache {
			id = "2xhgEd-OLMK-Zwgp-4FgT-5Ncw-msJf-zyLWLa"
			status = ["READ", "WRITE", "VISIBLE"]
			flags = []
			creation_host = ""
			creation_time = 1408979186	# 2014-08-25 11:06:26 -0400
			segment_count = 1

			segment1 {
				start_extent = 0
				extent_count = 1013475	# 3.8661 Terabytes

				type = "cache-pool"
				data = "dataraid10ssdcache_cdata"
				metadata = "dataraid10ssdcache_cmeta"
				chunk_size = 128

		dataraid10ssdcache_cdata {
			id = "fHimB1-RMiF-oj1F-UEjS-NsnO-5zDF-Y21Tmc"
			status = ["READ", "WRITE"]
			flags = []
			creation_host = ""
			creation_time = 1408979030	# 2014-08-25 11:03:50 -0400
			segment_count = 1

			segment1 {
				start_extent = 0
				extent_count = 1013475	# 3.8661 Terabytes

				type = "striped"
				stripe_count = 5
				stripe_size = 64	# 32 Kilobytes

				stripes = [
					"pv20", 0,
					"pv21", 0,
					"pv22", 0,
					"pv23", 0,
					"pv24", 0

		dataraid10ssdcache_cmeta {
			id = "tNR9cp-t2hb-ECda-io2k-N1rt-4C1b-1Xp2t0"
			status = ["READ", "WRITE"]
			flags = []
			creation_host = ""
			creation_time = 1408979080	# 2014-08-25 11:04:40 -0400
			segment_count = 1

			segment1 {
				start_extent = 0
				extent_count = 5120	# 20 Gigabytes

				type = "striped"
				stripe_count = 1	# linear

				stripes = [
					"pv25", 0

		lvol0_pmspare {
			id = "SiMeqt-wMdg-opfW-yu2N-gp8Z-prDo-coNDWY"
			status = ["READ", "WRITE"]
			flags = []
			creation_host = ""
			creation_time = 1408979183	# 2014-08-25 11:06:23 -0400
			segment_count = 1

			segment1 {
				start_extent = 0
				extent_count = 5120	# 20 Gigabytes

				type = "striped"
				stripe_count = 1	# linear

				stripes = [
					"pv25", 5120

		dataraid10one_corig {
			id = "Gk00Dm-Pz8C-eaAO-HEeo-vZlw-dmuP-6ofQJb"
			status = ["READ", "WRITE"]
			flags = []
			creation_host = ""
			creation_time = 1408979294	# 2014-08-25 11:08:14 -0400
			segment_count = 1

			segment1 {
				start_extent = 0
				extent_count = 7297020	# 27.8359 Terabytes

				type = "striped"
				stripe_count = 12
				stripe_size = 2048	# 1024 Kilobytes

				stripes = [
					"pv0", 0,
					"pv1", 0,
					"pv2", 0,
					"pv3", 0,
					"pv4", 0,
					"pv5", 0,
					"pv6", 0,
					"pv7", 0,
					"pv8", 0,
					"pv9", 0,
					"pv10", 0,
					"pv11", 0
linux-lvm mailing list
read the LVM HOW-TO at

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