For gfs2 to be used it is good to use with the cluster but not necessarily check the release notes but if clvmd is used then cluster is necessary . Cman is no more a kernel module but cman is the primary service which must be running to set up the cluster. --Sunil From: [] On Behalf Of yue storage base on fc-san. i have to use a dfs with cluster-sense,i am testing gfs2. in order to resize storage space, i want to use clvm + gfs2. i want to know if it is required to install redhat cluser,cluster-storage ? and create a cluster? kernel 2.6.32, fc12, cman-3.0.17 i find no cman.ko,if it do not need cman.ko anymore? thanks.
2011/2/24 yue <> i use san , clvm based on san. if i have to install rhcs ,if i want to use clvm? thanks.
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