> > <broken record> > > > > boot once. > > > > vgexport /dev/vgwhatever; > > vgimport /dev/vgwhatever <list of drives that didn't croak> > > > > you will now have your VG back on line with whatever portion of the > > data is no the clean drives. any LV's spanning the dead drive are > > likely to be lost anyway. It'll take you less time to vgextend the > > imported group onto a new, working drive an recover backups onto > > new LV's than almost anything else you can try. > > > > </broken record> > > bzzzt. This _may_ work on HPUX and AIX, but I _highly_ doubt it will > work with Linux LVM. The Linux LVM code requires that all of the disks > be present, and that they all have the correct data (no metadata backups > yet). You could hack the vgscan code so that it doesn't require this, > but it would probably end up causing grief somewhere else before you > could actually read from the LV. I'd agree with Andreas. I have tested this situation, and the vgexport/vgimport method isn't always guaranteed to work. If you have run vgscan at any point after a PV is lost, the VG will no longer be recognized, and you can't run vgexport anymore. It just complains and tells you to run vgscan again. > AFAIK, not even HPUX or AIX would allow you to read from a partial LV > (which is the situation we are discussing here), so it wouldn't help. > What _would_ be very useful is a tool that reads the LVM metadata > directly, creates a list of available LEs (in order) and dumps them > to a file, writing zeros for LEs that are not available (and writing > large warnings for each missing LE). EVMS already does this. It is perfectly happy recognizing partial volume groups, and exports any complete volumes it finds in such a group. Any incomplete volume in the group (one that had data on the lost disk) will be exported read-only, so you can at least do a raw backup of whatever data is left, or use some sort of filesystem recovery tools if they are available for your fs. -Kevin