Dear lm-sensors mailing list members, I'm an engineer currently working on the design of a small FPGA board that will be hosted in a PCIe slot. For our previous products we've rolled our own temperature monitoring software. For a new project, I'd like to try designing our board such that lm-sensors can query the temperature of the board. I'm very shaky on my understanding of how lm-sensors queries the temperature of a PCIe card, f.ex. a graphics card. Here is my mental model, which needs filling in: lm-sensors ---> ????? --- (iic bus) --> iic temp sensor My first impulse was to host the temperature sensor on the SMBus pins on the PCIe slot directly, ADM1033 comes to mind. However, it looks like I need to use a sensor that implements ARP, which is not very common. Also it looks like lm-sensors does not really support ARP so this seems like it would be an uphill fight. For graphics cards and other PCIe subsystems, is the iic temp sensor hosted on the card's PCIe controller chip and queried through the main PCIe data interface then? And the "dedicated" SMbus lines on the PCIe interface are unused? If so, is the model then something like this? lm-sensors ---> vendor-provided driver for PCIe product ---> PCIe data interface ---> PCIe controller on daughter card --- (iic bus) ---> temp sensor If so, it seems like I'd have to provide some (standard?) hooks in my PCIe driver for the temperature sensor, that allow me to communicate to the IIC bus on the card. And I need to have corresponding registers on my card's controller that can be used to talk to the IIC lines there. I'd also appreciate it if you could refer me to any documentation that would be useful for understanding the general field of this inquiry, the PCI Express specification wasn't very useful in this regard. Thanks in advance. I apologize for my lack of understanding in this area. -- Sincerely, Ivan Yulaev |
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