I'm wondering if anyone has a working sensors.conf for this motherboard.
I have googled for this config for a while now, but I am unable to
100% identify the voltage sensors.
I have gleaned what I could from other example sensors.conf files that
use the same chip for sensor readings, though I cannot be sure about
what the readings represent.
I hope that someone could enlighten/help me with this.
The following is from another Gigabyte model I've yoinked off the net.
This is what I have so far:
chip "it8720-*"
# Labels are copied from BIOS setup screens when value shown
# Voltages
label in0 "Vcore"
# CPU AMD Phenom X4 9950, lowest voltage (1.05), and
# highest is a sane default set to 2.1
# No scaling so no compute
set in0_min 1.000 * 0.95 # 95% of nominal min
set in0_max 1.300 * 1.05 # 105% of nominal max
label in1 "DDR2 Memory"
# No scaling so no compute
# Allows up to 2.1 Volts for higher performance memory
set in1_min 1.8 * 0.95 # 95% of nominal
set in1_max 1.8 * 1.17 # 117% of nominal
label in2 "+3.3V"
# No scaling so no compute
set in2_min 3.3 * 0.95 # 95% of nominal
set in2_max 3.3 * 1.05 # 105% of nominal
label in3 "Vcc"
# dmesg reports as VCC
# Assume standard Winbond scaling resistors
compute in3 @ * ((6.8/10)+1), @ / ((6.8/10)+1)
set in3_min 5 * 0.95 # 95% of nominal
set in3_max 5 * 1.05 # 105% of nominal
label in4 "5VSB?" # Guess
# BIOS: -, ET6: -, Everest: -, OverDrive (VIN4): 12.74
# Values seen: 3.15, 3.17, 3.19
# Assume standard Winbond scaling resistors
compute in4 @ * ((6.8/10)+1), @ / ((6.8/10)+1)
set in4_min 5 * 0.95 # 95% of nominal
set in4_max 5 * 1.05 # 105% of nominal
label in5 "+12V"
# BIOS: 12.619V, ET6: 12.610, Everest: -, OverDrive: -
# Assume standard Winbond scaling resistors
compute in5 @ * ((30/10)+1), @ / ((30/10)+1)
set in5_min 12 * 0.95 # 95% of nominal
set in5_max 12 * 1.05 # 105% of nominal
ignore in6 # Seen always 4.08, too big (max 4.096) to signify
ignore in7 # Seen always 0.03, too small to be significant
label in8 "Vbat"
# BIOS: -, ET6: -, Everest: 3.17, OverDrive: -
# Connected directly so no compute
# in8_min and _max not supported by chip
ignore cpu0_vid # Not dynamic under lm-sensors 3.0.0
# Temperatures
label temp1 "Current System Temperature"
# BIOS: 30, ET6: 30, Everest: 33, OverDrive: -
compute temp1 @ -5, @ +5 # Correct bad sensor on Charles' mobo
set temp1_min 0
set temp1_max 45 # Tropical ambient max plus a bit
label temp2 "Current CPU Casing Temperature"
# BIOS: 29, ET6: 28, Everest: 32, OverDrive (both cores): 33
set temp2_min 0
# Max is lowest available BIOS "CPU Warning Temperature" - 5
set temp2_max 55
ignore temp3
# Values seen: 77-79, rising from cold start.
# Sheilding Northbridge from CPU cooling draft did not change
# Fans
# The labels chosen are the ones printed on the motherboard
label fan1 "CPU_FAN"
set fan1_min 0 # fancontrol may stop fan
label fan2 "SYS_FAN1"
label fan3 "SYS_FAN2"
ignore fan4 # "NB_FAN" does not set an RPM signal
label fan5 "PWR_FAN"
# Beep
# lm-sensors 3.0.0 does not support on this chip
# Was enabled by default
As you can see, I stopped at Vcc, because I have no idea how to identify
these voltage sensors.
This is the output from the above config:
Adapter: ISA adapter
Vcore: +1.04 V (min = +0.94 V, max = +1.36 V)
DDR2 Memory: +1.92 V (min = +1.71 V, max = +2.11 V)
+3.3V: +3.38 V (min = +3.14 V, max = +3.47 V)
Vcc: +4.97 V (min = +4.76 V, max = +5.24 V)
5VSB?: +5.24 V (min = +4.76 V, max = +5.24 V)
+12V: +1.09 V (min = +11.39 V, max = +12.61 V)
Vbat: +3.30 V
CPU_FAN: 518 RPM (min = 0 RPM)
SYS_FAN1: 1243 RPM (min = 0 RPM)
SYS_FAN2: 1157 RPM (min = 0 RPM)
PWR_FAN: 0 RPM (min = 0 RPM)
Current System Temperature: +26.0 C (low = +0.0 C, high = +45.0 C)
sensor = thermistor
Current CPU Casing Temperature:+37.0 C (low = +0.0 C, high = +55.0 C)
sensor = thermal diode
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