Hello Luca :-) Thank you for taking the time to respond and for pointing out the error of my ways. I'm sorry -- my email client does not format well except when top posting and I meant to cut everything but Dani's post -- it was an oversight not doing so. Best Charles -----Original Message----- From: Luca Tettamanti [mailto:kronos.it at gmail.com] Sent: 07 August 2009 15:28 To: Charles Cc: lm-sensors at lm-sensors.org Subject: Re: Temp and Fan errors On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 11:16 AM, Charles<CharlesA at auroville.org.in> wrote: > Hello Dani :) [huge cut] Please do not top post, and more importantly do *NOT* quote the _whole_ digest when replying... thanks, Luca