Dear All, I'm in the process of cleaning up a driver for the Sensiron SHT15 humidity and temperature sensor chip. Before I proceed too far with this I have a couple of general requests for comment. Is hwmon a sensible place for this driver? Whilst it could conceivably be used for hardware monitoring that isn't my use for it. I think it is more appropriate here than in the upcoming industrial I/O subsystem principally because I can't envision a use where the humidity is changing rapidly enough to require the more complex kernel ring buffering etc provided there. The other delightful quirk of this device is that it's bus protocol doesn't conform to anything remotely standard and hence will be implemented by directly controlling gpios. Are people happy with such a low level driver in hwmon? I think he protocol is very much chip specific so not worth a more general implementation. All sensiron's other sensors appear to use more standard protocols. If there are any similar gpio based drivers please point them out to me as an example of accepted practice would save both mine and reviewers time! Thanks, -- Jonathan Cameron