On Tue, 23 Sep 2008, David Brownell wrote: > Being unable to use the existing framework for quicker feedback > loops (milliseconds not seconds), even when the hardware support for > them is available, seems like such a gap to me. I've just resent > my SMBALERT# support patch, which helps address part of that little Another problem with polling, besides milliseconds vs seconds, is that it's done from userspace. Now certainly policy belongs in usespace and all that, but... userspace is a lot easier to break. If the heatsink fell off one of my CPUs (and multi-pound heat sinks attached via little plastic tabs really do fall off sometimes), it would stand a very good chance of knocking the flimsy non-latching SATA cable below it out of its socket. With the system block device off-line, any userspace hardware monitor is virtually certain to hang before it's able to power the system off. Probably why most PCs now days have hardware based thermal safeguards. On the new version of our device, we'll use LM96163s which have an additional CRIT# signal that we will use for a hardware based shutdown. Without that, I wouldn't consider something based in userspace as safe enough to protect the hardware. If anyone hasn't seen it, the famous Tom's Hardware video of removing heatsinks from running computers, before hardware thermal shutdown became standard: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxNUK3U73SI The AMD cpus take about 3 seconds to crash. So one extra second of latency for polling is a very significant amount of the time available to prevent hardware damage. Something that polled every five seconds would be completely useless.