Hello, I have two revisions of the 965WH motherboard, one that supports dual-core only and another quad-core. I have an E6300 in the old one and a Q6600 in the new one with 4GiB and 8GiB of RAM respectively. I would like to report a success and also a bug with BIOS 1738. The success is this case can be resolved, the Linux/memory/mapping is correct now and I no longer have to use mem="8832M" in my LILO configuration to avoid the bios setting memory that is not cachable. However, on my new revision 965WH (I did not check with my old motherboard), that supports the quad-core CPU, I went into the BIOS and went to the [Hard Disks] option and when I selected it, the part of the screen that should update showing me the hard disks in the system was blank, I could not escape out of the bios or go to another menu, I had to reboot to get back into the bios. This is not normal behavior, can someone at Intel attach 1-6 (I use 6) WD Veliciraptor 300GiB drives to this motherboard to replicate the problem if it is not obvious in the code/bios how to fix it? I cannot view the hard disks in that menu, I believe its the 2nd or 3rd menu over when you initially enter the BIOS. I do not recall if this problem existed prior to 1738. Also, people have e-mailed me in relation to my posts and I am curious as well to follow up, when will the HECI/fan/voltage sensor support (that is a project at Intel) be merged into the kernel tree so that lm sensors will eventually be able to read these values? This is from 2007: http://softwareblogs.intel.com/2007/04/13/intel-me-interface-heci-now-available/ Their updated project page: http://www.openamt.org/ Justin.