Dear lm-sensors at, you have written at the device list: AMD K10 yes - - - (2007-10-07) To be written. Please contact us if you have such CPU and willing to write or test the driver. That is what I am doing :-) I am not too familiar with C (C++) to write a complete program in C. I am of the generation which started with FORTRAN, BASIC, Algol, Pascal ... Today I write some code in PHP/MySQL/HTML/JavaScript. May be I can modify some piece of code with a great "help of my friend" I just put together a linux box: AMD Phenom 9600 BE GIGABYTE MA78GM-S2H 2x2GB RAM HD/DVD Debian Linux Lenny If I can help the lm-sensors project group I will. - I can try to modify some code to upgrade from K8 -> K10 if hinted how - I can lend the linux box for a while (I am living in Prague/CR) - may be I can manage to put the linux box on the public IP for some week and send you the ssh login Thanks Jan