abituguru3 review

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Hi Hans,

> First of all a huge thanks for the review.

You're very welcome, just returning the favor.

> > Hmm... I don't get it. You're changing the abituguru driver to only
> > support rev 1 & 2 but here you add rev 3 to the list of supported
> > devices?
> >
> Thats the disadvantage of reviewing a patch, that is not a list of supported
> motherboards, but rather a list which Abit uGuru motherboards have which
> revision, so that the user can see which driver to use. This chunk starts with:
>      Note:
>          The uGuru is a microcontroller with onboard firmware which programs
>          it to behave as a hwmon IC. There are many different revisions of the
>          firmware and thus effectivly many different revisions of the uGuru.
>          Below is an incomplete list with which revisions are used for which
>          Motherboards:
>          uGuru 1.00    ~ 1.24    (AI7, KV8-MAX3, AN7) (1)
>          uGuru ~ (KV8-PRO)
>          uGuru ~ (AS8, AV8, AA8, AG8, AA8XE, AX8)
> And also notice that the revision 3 entry has a footnote saying:
> +       2) There is a seperate abituguru3 driver for these motherboards,
> +          the abituguru (without the 3 !) driver will not work on these
> +          motherboards (and visa versa)!
> > >>      1) For revisions 2 and 3 uGuru's the driver can autodetect the
> >>         sensortype (Volt or Temp) for bank1 sensors, for revision 1
> >> uGuru's
> >>         this doesnot always work. For these uGuru's the autodection can
> >
> > Same here, there is still mentioning of rev 3 in the doc for abituguru.
> >
> Yes, the doc points revision 3 owners to the revision 3 driver and that driver can
> autodetect the sensortype, just like the revison 1&2 driver can autodetect it for
> rev2 ugurus. I'm open for documentation enhancement, but what it currently says is
> correct. I think it is better to have the complete table with all revisions in both
> the rev1&2 driver and the rev 3 driver docs and point to the other driver if
> the user started reading the wrong doc / is trying to use the wrong driver.

Yes, that certainly makes sense. I suspected that my confusion came
from the fact that the patch just contained out-of-context snippets.

> > Ditto. And there's never 10 or more temp sensors so the number could
> > be further reduced by one (ok nit-picking now...).
> >
> Thats deliberate, the table of supported motherboards is ever growing and in
> theory (judgeing from the bank-addreses) the uguru2 can handle upto 16 temp
> sensors. Thus the wasted byte is to make things future proof (I don't want to
> need to check the entire code for assumptions like < 10 temp sensors when I add
> a new motherboard).

OK, makes sense. It wasn't clear to me that there could be as many as
16 sensors (at least not at this point of the review). Maybe a note
mentioning this?

> >> +    /* For convenience the sysfs attr and their names are generated
> >> +       automatically. We have max 10 entries per sensor (for in
> >> sensors) */
> >
> > Here you claim a max of 10 in sensors but further up you use 16 for
> > the worst case in ABIT_UGURU3_SYSFS_NAMES_LENGTH.
> >
>  >
>  >> +    struct sensor_device_attribute_2
>  >> sysfs_attr[ABIT_UGURU3_MAX_NO_SENSORS
>  >> +        * 10];
> No not max 10 in sensors, but max 10 sysfs entries / sensor, and that case
> happens when the sensor is an in sensor:
> inX_input, inX_min, inX_max, inX_min_alarm, inX_max_alarm,
> inX_min_alarm_enable, inX_max_alarm_enable, inX_beep, inX_shutdown, inX_label

Correct, my bad.

> Also see below when I try to explain why it sin't true that all the strings are
>   twice in memory as you think. I admit this is somewhat complicated, I took
> this from the other uguru driver (which I wrote too). This is done because the
> uguru has a humongous number of sysfs entries (160 for the in sensors alone!)
> and I didn't want to use a huge static table for this. Hence I have:
> -an array of sysfs attr, which gets dynamicly filled with sysfs attr dependend
>   on the mobo and thus on the number of in / temp / fan sensors. The size of
>   this array is "ABIT_UGURU3_MAX_NO_SENSORS * 10"
> -an array with all the entries (10 for in sensors) which needs to be generated
>   for 1 sensor, which I call the "template"
> >> +    /* Alarms for all 48 sensors (48/8 = 6 bytes) */
> >> +    u8 alarms[48/8];
> >
> > Why / 8? One bit per sensor?
> >
> Yes, shall I add a comment to this extend?

Sure, never hurts.

> >
> >> +
> >> +    /* Value of all 48 sensors */
> >> +    u8 value[48];
> >> +
> >> +    /* Settings of all 48 sensors, note in and temp sensors have 3 byte
> >> +       of settings, while fans only have 2 bytes, for convenience we
> >> +       use 3 bytes for all sensors */
> >> +    u8 settings[48][3];
> >
> > Where does the number 48 come from? I thought it was:
> >
> Either I get a very complicated update function, which modifies its behaviour
> depenend on the mobo and thus needs to traverse the mobo table to determine
> what to read or I always read (no harm there) 16 sensors of each type even
> those aren't all there. Also if I don't do it this way I cannot use the bank
> addresses in the sysfs-read functions, then I need to also calculate / store
> the offset into the compressed value and settings tables you suggest.
> IOW, the uguru has 48 consecutive sensors register-sets, the first 16 are
> reserved for in the next 16 to temp and then 16 to fan. To make things easy I
> always read all 48 register-sets, so other functions have a one on one in
> memory copy of these to work with.

That explains a lot and would be very helpful to include in the driver.

> > Aligning the numbers helps with reviewing them. With, that, I noticed
> > that the last two columns (divisor, offset) contain always the same
> > values. Why even put them in there?
> >
> They come from ini files of the windows program supplied for these boards by
> Abit, and they are used in the current read functions. I noticed the same thing
> but I decided to keep them in case they start getting different values with
> newer motherboards.
> > Also, here you use hard-coded values for the sensor types but further
> > up you have macros defined for them (ABIT_UGURU3_IN_SENSOR,
> > sysnc.
> >
> Actually the defines are to sync my code with the values used by abit in the
> ini files. I understand what you're trying to say, but I don't think the tables
> above will become more readable with those defines in. I will fix all the extra
> spaces in the tables and add (a) tab(s) after the labels to lign up the rest of
> the tables.

Ah-ah, I didn't know that these tables come from Abit. In that case I
think it's OK to leave them the way they are. Except maybe for the
number alignment which really helps.

> >> +module_param(force, bool, 0);
> >> +MODULE_PARM_DESC(force, "Set to one to force detection.");
> >> +/* Default verbose is 1, since this driver is still in the testing
> >> phase */
> >> +static int verbose = 1;
> >> +module_param(verbose, bool, 0644);
> >> +MODULE_PARM_DESC(verbose, "Enable/disable verbose error reporting");
> >
> > Comment is inaccurate since the value could be 0-3 (according to the
> > driver doc).
> >
> Actually that is a copy/paste error from the abituguru rev 1 & 2 doc, that
> driver has some retry magic and verbose settings related to that. I'll fix the
> doc for the rev 3 driver to reflect that for the rev 3 driver this is a bool.


> >> +    if (!data)
> >> +        return -EIO;
> >
> > Isn't this condition considered a bug? Don't you want to print some
> > fancy text?
> >
> That condition is caused by the update function failing and the update function
> will already have complained and tried to explain whats gone wrong (unless
> verbose == 0)


> > return sprintf(buf, "%d\n",
> >          (data->alarms[port >> 3] & (0x01 << (port % 8))) &&
> >       (!attr->nr || (data->settings[port][0] & attr->nr));
> >
> I agree thats more efficient, but I find my variant better readable (and that
> is how its done in other hwmon drivers).

That depends which driver you're looking at :-) Agreed, it's a style
change and I won't argue the matter.

> >> +    /* Fill the sysfs attr array */
> >> +    sysfs_attr_i = 0;
> >> +    sysfs_filename = data->sysfs_names;
> >> +    sysfs_names_free = ABIT_UGURU3_SYSFS_NAMES_LENGTH;
> >> +    for (i = 0; data->sensors[i].name; i++) {
> >> +        type = data->sensors[i].type;
> >> +        for (j = 0; j < no_sysfs_attr[type]; j++) {
> >> +            used = snprintf(sysfs_filename, sysfs_names_free,
> >> +                abituguru3_sysfs_templ[type][j].dev_attr.attr.
> >> +                name, sensor_index[type]) + 1;
> >> +            data->sysfs_attr[sysfs_attr_i] =
> >> +                abituguru3_sysfs_templ[type][j];
> >> +            data->sysfs_attr[sysfs_attr_i].dev_attr.attr.name =
> >> +                sysfs_filename;
> >
> > If I understand this correctly you're concatenating all the sysfs
> > attribute names and copy them into the sysfs_filename buffer which is
> > a member of the device data structure. And then later you overwrite
> > the attr name (data->sysfs_attr[sysfs_attr_i].dev_attr.attr.name) with
> > a pointer into this buffer.
> > You're effectively allocating memory twice for the same thing (once in
> > your device data struct and in the individual sysfs_attr structs).
> > Wouldn't it be easier and more efficient to somehow reserve enough
> > space for the final attribute name in the abituguru3_sysfs_templ
> > struct and then snprintf the name into
> > data->sysfs_attr[sysfs_attr_i].dev_attr.attr.name rather then
> > overwriting the string pointer?
> >
> As I already tried to explain above, and as hopefully indicated with the
> _templ(ate) name, abituguru3_sysfs_templ holds the template of the attributes
> needed for 1 in sensor + those needed for a temp sensor + those needed for a
> fan sensor. From these templates a lot of entries (and thus a lot of names) get
> generated. The attr for these entries are stored into data->sysfs_attr[] and
> the name pointers in these attr are made to point to names generated into the
> data->sysfs_names buffer.
> I hope thats clear / understandable.

Yeah I think I understand now. But you're still wasting the space
allocated by the template, correct? I guess that's OK given the
simplification this entails.

> > You're registering the device twice! and the check for success is
> > backwards from all the previous checks (i.e., check for error and
> > handle it vs. check for success and handle it). Drop the first
> > occurence (before creating the devices) and I'd prefer (but it's your
> > call - I'm nit-picking again :-):
> >
> > if (IS_ERR(data->class_dev)) {
> >   res = PTR_ERR(data->class_dev);
> >   goto abituguru3_probe_error;
> > }
> >
> > return 0;
> >
> Good catch! I meant to move the registering down because Jean asked me todo the
> same thing for the abituguru (to fix a race condition), but I guess I ended up
> copy-ing it, will fix!


> >> +static int __devexit abituguru3_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
> >> +{
> >> +    int i;
> >> +    struct abituguru3_data *data = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
> >> +
> >> +    platform_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL);
> >
> > Not sure what this does (is it freeing any memory?) but is it safe to
> > do it before unregistering and deleting devices?
> >
> It doesn't free anything it just sets the platformdevice's drvdata pointer to
> NULL. Since once the driver is removed (theoretically) the platform device
> could stay around, we don't want the platform device to keep a pointer to stuff
> we've just freed.


> >> +    mutex_unlock(&data->update_lock);
> >> +    if (data->valid)
> >> +        return data;
> >> +    else
> >> +        return NULL;
> >
> > How about:
> > return data->valid ? data : NULL;
> >
> I'm not such a big fan of conditional expressions, they are ok when you've got
> a long function call (lots of arguments) to make one of the arguments have one
> of two values dependend on some check. However I don't like them for uses as
> you suggest, but thats just my personal preference.

Yes, it's a matter of personal preferences. I just think given the
simplicity of the code it doesn't deserve 4 lines :-)

> Phew all done, I'm looking forward to your opinion / reply to this. Once that
> is all clear I'll update the driver + docs and send a new patch to the list.

Looks pretty good to me overall. In general I would suggest to add
more details about the inner works of the chip (how many sensors max,
register arrangements and such). That helps reviewers better to
understand what your code is doing.

Try to get it past Jean now. Good luck :-)


> Regards,
> Hans

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