Dear all, I've a problem with that sensors about CPU fan RPM value reported. My motherboard is a Asus A8V-E SE. I use SuSE 10.1. ( The sensors command report sometimes a correct value (~2200rpm) and other time a wrong value (~140rpm). I've seen that the multiplier of the fan (fan2_div for me) switch between 4 and 64. I tried to force manually the value to 4 by this command: echo -n "4" > /sys/bus/i2c/devices/9191-0290/fan2_div but I've got a "permission denied" (I ran the command as root) If I list that file I got that result: -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 2006-09-08 16:43 /sys/bus/i2c/devices/9191-0290/fan2_div So, I can't modify that value. I've tried to chmod the fan2_div, but I can't chage the value yet. I tried also with a more recent kernel (2.6.18-rc6) but I got the same error (with new kernel I can monitoring, in addition, the voltages) Does anyone help me? Thank you Ciao simone