Hello, I have written a small daemon (well, it will soon be a daemon :-) ), which I would like to name 'lm-monitor', as it monitors sensors output and sends an email to one or more administrators when a reading (temp, fan or voltage) exceeds the allowed limits. My simple question is if I may use that name, as it is quite close to 'lm-sensors'. On the other hand, it is built upon the output of lm-sensors, so if it is OK with whoever "owns" the lm-sensors name, I would like to use it. I intend to publish the software on sourceforge (under GPL), but as of now you can get the source, currently 1.0alpha, if you drop me a mail. Best regards Staffan Emr?n ---------------------------------------- Societas Archaeologica Upsaliensis 018 - 10 79 30 (vx) 10 79 40 (fax) http://www.sau.se