I can't get the cpu temp to read correctly on my ECS-RX480A mainboard. The CPU temperature works correctly in the BIOS screen, but I have been unable to get it to work with lm_sensors regardless of whether I set the sensor type to a 2, or 3. Currently I have one temperature sensor reading correctly, and that is the case temperature. For now I've disabled the other two temperature sensors. The output of sensors: it8712-isa-0228 Adapter: ISA adapter VCore 1: +1.34 V (min = +1.42 V, max = +1.57 V) ALARM VCore 2: +1.15 V (min = +2.40 V, max = +2.61 V) ALARM +3.3V: +5.15 V (min = +3.14 V, max = +3.46 V) ALARM +5V: +5.51 V (min = +4.76 V, max = +5.24 V) ALARM +12V: +11.90 V (min = +11.39 V, max = +12.61 V) -12V: -4.90 V (min = -12.63 V, max = -11.41 V) ALARM -5V: -8.86 V (min = -5.26 V, max = -4.77 V) ALARM Stdby: +4.97 V (min = +4.76 V, max = +5.24 V) VBat: +3.22 V fan1: 3183 RPM (min = 0 RPM, div = 8) fan2: 1205 RPM (min = 3013 RPM, div = 8) ALARM fan3: 1962 RPM (min = 3013 RPM, div = 8) ALARM M/B Temp: +39?C (low = +15?C, high = +40?C) sensor = thermistor ALARM CPU Temp: +1?C (low = +15?C, high = +70?C) sensor = disabled CPU Temp: -8?C (low = +15?C, high = +70?C) sensor = disabled vid: +1.55 V