> If you view the bug, it uses 4 MAX161 sensors for primary temperature > sensors. I also posted the source code for an old driver. Please let > me know what I need to do to get development started. > Kevin The driver really sucks :( and it is incomplete. Anyway here is some useful info: enum SMBUS_DEVICES{ PIIX4 = 0x10, MAX_1617_GG = 0x30, adr 18 MAX_1617_GZ = 0x32, MAX_1617_GV = 0x34, adr 1A MAX_1617_ZG = 0x50, MAX_1617_ZZ = 0x52, MAX_1617_ZV = 0x54, DIMM_0 = 0xA0, DIMM_1 = 0xA2, DIMM_2 = 0xA4, DIMM_3 = 0xA6, LM79 = 0xBA, adr 5D? later in the .h file it claims it is 5A so at 2D I82559_1 = 0xCC, adr 66 I82559_2 = 0xCE, MPSLAVEADDR = 0xE6, 73 FPSLAVEADDR = 0xE8 }; You need /2 for that values to get those: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 00: XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 10: XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 18 XX 1a XX XX XX XX XX 20: XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 2d XX XX 30: XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 40: XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 4c XX 4e XX 50: 50 51 52 53 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 60: XX XX XX XX XX XX 66 XX XX 69 XX XX XX XX XX XX 70: XX XX XX 73 XX XX XX XX Ok so we know: 18 and 1A is max1617 2D is LM79 we should avoid rest of clients On the rest adresses there are some slave controllers which might also access the bus and generate the slave -> host transcactions. Those devices are in fact a processors with special funcs. All in all. Lets see if you have troubles to dump the device as suggested in previous mail... Regards Rudolf