Dear lm-sensors, First of all, thanks a lot for developing and posting this driver! It's the only one I've been able to find for our hardware running linux. I tried to fill out a ticket, but this service is apparently undergoing an upgrade and was unavailable. If you have a moment, I'd really appreciate your comments on a problem I'm having... We (my company) are running Busybox on an embedded application, with Linux Kernel version 2.4.31. The motherboard is a Geode SC2200, which has a Winbond W83627HF Super IO chip. I've verified the chip is present, visually. I've also successfully compiled the i2c and lm-sensors modules, and I think I've installed correctly in an embedded device. Your documentation is very clear on how to install this stuff, but given that I'm trying to use this driver in an embedded application, I've had to do some things differently. Namely, 1. Since the embedded app doesn't have a compiler installed, I had to compile externally from the machine it would be installed on, and point to the correct headers (V2.4.31) from the makefile. 2. I had to manually move the *.o files and libraries from the "staged" installation to the device. 3. Only one prototype we have in the lab is able to run perl scripts, so for now I'm using that one so I could use sensors-detect. This script found the the SIO chip on the ISA bus, at address 0x290, and gave me some names of modules to install. 4. Busybox doesn't have depmod, and modprobe seems to need some *.ko files I don't have. But after some effort, I managed to install all the modules needed with insmod. From /proc/modules, I verified that the following modules were installed: i2c-core.o i2c-proc.o i2c-dev.o i2c-isa.o w83627hf.o I then did a small edit of sensors.conf, to read a +12V battery voltage from the "in6" analog input. Finally, when I ran the sensors program, I essentially get all 0xFF readings from the sensors (see below). Have you guys ran into this before? If so, do you have any recommendations? Am I missing any necessary modules? w83627hf-isa-0290 Adapter: ISA adapter VCore 1: +4.08 V (min = +4.08 V, max = +4.08 V) ALARM (beep) VCore 2: +4.08 V (min = +4.08 V, max = +4.08 V) ALARM (beep) +3.3V: +4.08 V (min = +4.08 V, max = +4.08 V) ALARM (beep) +5V: +6.85 V (min = +6.85 V, max = +6.85 V) ALARM (beep) +12V: +15.50 V (min = +15.50 V, max = +15.50 V) ALARM (beep) -12V: +6.06 V (min = +6.06 V, max = +6.06 V) ALARM (beep) Batt Volt:+31.21 V (min = +31.21 V, max = +31.21 V) ALARM (beep) V5SB: +6.85 V (min = +6.85 V, max = +6.85 V) ALARM (beep) VBat: +4.08 V (min = +4.08 V, max = +4.08 V) ALARM (beep) fan1: 0 RPM (min = 0 RPM, div = 128) ALARM (beep) fan2: 0 RPM (min = 0 RPM, div = 128) ALARM (beep) fan3: 0 RPM (min = 0 RPM, div = 128) ALARM (beep) temp1: -1 C (high = -1 C, hyst = -1 C) sensor = diode ALARM (beep) temp2: +0.0 C (high = +0 C, hyst = +0 C) sensor = diode ALARM (beep) temp3: +0.0 C (high = +0 C, hyst = +0 C) sensor = diode ALARM (beep) vid: +0.000 V (VRM Version 8.2) alarms: Chassis intrusion detection ALARM beep_enable: Sound alarm enabled Thanks very much in advance Santiago -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: