Hello Jean, here comes a reworked driver (in a seperate e-mail to ease applying it). I didn't implemented all your suggestions, as commented below. I didn't (yet) used Alessandro's rtc core as it doesn't compile on current HEAD. (Moreover my driver has to work on, because that's the version our customer has to stick to.) You told me not to initialize a static global to NULL explicitly, I thought about it and prefer to state this assumption just to make it clear that I assume it to be zero. Still open: I don't know if the mutex is needed. I didn't see it in other drivers but in my eyes it must be there. Any comments? I didn't switch over to smbus as you said in your follow-up mail[1]. I hope I catched all the remaining points to your satisfaction. Best regards Uwe [1] Message-Id: <20060203101642.167cb18c.khali at linux-fr.org> -- Uwe Zeisberger FS Forth-Systeme GmbH, A Digi International Company Kueferstrasse 8, D-79206 Breisach, Germany Phone: +49 (7667) 908 0 Fax: +49 (7667) 908 200 Web: www.fsforth.de, www.digi.com