Hi All, I am looking to get full sensors support for both fan and temperature monitoring on my Gigabyte 8I865GVMF motherboard. I have run sensors-detect and determined that I have an SMSC 47M192 or compatible (motherboard inspection shows a SMSC 47M997 device which is allegedly compatible) and I have successfully installed the sm47m1 driver which was with the kernel. I now have fan speed detection working fine but no voltage or temperature detection. I would like to have the full fan/temp/voltage information available, so I have a few questions: 1) Do I just have an old version of the code and a later version (?2.6.15?) has a full functioning hardware monitor? 2) If the 2.6 version only supports fan monitoring, is anyone else working on adding the temp/volt functionality (I know that there is a 2.4 kernel version of such code)? 3) Does anyone know the reason why the temp/volt monitoring wasn't included in the 2.6 driver (it seems odd to go to all the work of creating the driver just to monitor the fan speeds)? Thanks in advance, Roger