after a tiny bit of poking, I got sensors working on an AMD N-Force2 mobo, model M7NCG 400, manufacturer not named in the damn user-manual. the pokes were: sudo sensors-detect, said yes to everything sudo service lm_sensors start The only 'glitch' was this: Do you want to generate /etc/sysconfig/lm_sensors? (YES/no): Copy prog/init/lm_sensors.init to /etc/rc.d/init.d/lm_sensors for initialization at boot time. there was no prog/init/lm_sensors.init that I could find, and the /etc/rc.d/init.d/lm_sensors had this (unsuprisingly) # Generated by sensors-detect on Wed Jan 18 12:52:53 2006 MODULE_0=i2c-nforce2 MODULE_1=i2c-isa MODULE_2=eeprom MODULE_3=w83627hf Then, this: [jimc at groucho ~]$ sensors w83627hf-isa-0290 Adapter: ISA adapter VCore 1: +1.66 V (min = +1.57 V, max = +1.73 V) VCore 2: +1.50 V (min = +1.57 V, max = +1.73 V) ALARM +3.3V: +3.02 V (min = +3.14 V, max = +3.47 V) ALARM +5V: +4.87 V (min = +4.76 V, max = +5.24 V) ALARM +12V: +12.16 V (min = +10.82 V, max = +13.19 V) ALARM -12V: -12.36 V (min = -13.18 V, max = -10.80 V) ALARM -5V: -5.20 V (min = -5.25 V, max = -4.75 V) ALARM V5SB: +5.46 V (min = +4.76 V, max = +5.24 V) VBat: +3.12 V (min = +2.40 V, max = +3.60 V) ALARM fan1: 0 RPM (min = 551 RPM, div = 16) fan2: 3375 RPM (min = 508 RPM, div = 16) fan3: 0 RPM (min = 659 RPM, div = 16) temp1: -48?C (high = +50?C, hyst = -118?C) sensor = thermistor temp2: +37.5?C (high = +120?C, hyst = +115?C) sensor = thermistor temp3: +38.5?C (high = +120?C, hyst = +115?C) sensor = thermistor vid: +1.650 V (VRM Version 9.0) alarms: beep_enable: Sound alarm enabled eeprom-i2c-0-51 Adapter: SMBus nForce2 adapter at 5000 Memory type: DDR SDRAM DIMM Memory size (MB): 512 eeprom-i2c-0-50 Adapter: SMBus nForce2 adapter at 5000 Memory type: DDR SDRAM DIMM Memory size (MB): 512 Finally, sudo sensors -s fixed all the ALARMs but 1: -5V: -5.25 V (min = -5.25 V, max = -4.75 V) ALARM since its right at the line, I feel ok about it, but welcome any comments. I'll presume momentarily to speak for the silent majority, Thanks everyone for stuff that *just works* -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: