Thanks for the tip re: resetting the smbus after a hang, it did the trick. In the time after I posted ticket #1963 I continued working on installing and configuring lm_sensors for 2.6.10-1.771_FC2 & matrox g450 dual head. As it turns out the big prob is that while sensors-detect does find the sensors chips, it's way off on its config suggestions. The script wants these modules loaded: MODULE_0=i2c-matroxfb MODULE_1=i2c-isa MODULE_2=ddcmon MODULE_3=w83627hf i2c-matroxfb is uneeded and creates the problem with the smbus and blanked screens, and the ddcmon module which is non-existent. The correct configuration for lm_sensors with matrox/2.6.10/FC2 is to modprobe the i2c-isa (which autoloads i2c-sensor and i2c-core) and w83627hf and then running sensors -s; all of this can be placed in /etc/rc.local, and that's it. Now figuring out how to get sensors-detect to correctly report that is another matter altogether but that's not my place, <g>. HTH, Barton -- Food brings benefit for some hours, clothes for some months but wisdom lasts as long as the mind itself. It is the foundation of a better society. -- Anonymous Tibetan source