Hello, I'm sorry I'm out of ideas right now. Maybe you can modify program eeprom.c in lmsensors package (the prog/ directory) and try to read firts 16 bytes of EEPROM again and again if you get same results. Or first four bytes, I think first two should not be zeros. As from the logs I can see that the wrong values were supplied by SMBus host controller so there is not much left. Please can you obtain several dumps from the bus? like: #!/bin/bash while true ; do i2cdump -y 0 0x50 >>eeprom i2cdump -y 0 0x50 >>eeprom i2cdump -y 0 0x2f >>winbon <=your chip adr I think is this one i2cdump -y 0 0x2f >>winbon <=your chip adr I think is this one done (ctrl c to stop after several thousends cycles please) Also I would like to see correct i2cdump of SAME memory module. Maybe we can guess something from different values. So you need to put the module to some other motherboard and perform i2cdump on it. As for the weekend. Bad luck with me. I will go to mountain cottage so I will be offline. (but I can take the dumps to my notebook and study them when I will have some time :) Today and tomorrow I'm busy with programming school stuff. But of course I will find like hour or so to think about it :) Regards Rudolf