Dear Jean, Rudolf This is Chunhao, I contacted ASUS again about the problems we meet, They gave me the answer by mail this time, please refer to them. 1. How do get access to the W83792D chip? The answer should include the bus the chip sits on (Intel SMBus, other chip, GPIOs...) and the operations needed to unlock that bus (or segment thereof) if such operations are needed. ==>You can use DEBUG utility to write value "0x08" in "0x04b9" in GPIO pin of Hance Rapid ICH. 2. We would need detailed information on what chip we attept to control at the port 0x04b9 and how that chip works, and also details on how the SMBus is wired. ==> The control signal defined GPIO in this Hance Rapid ICH, and only access a method in the SMBus. 3. Beside the question 2, we will need the base address of that ISA device, also if the base address is not fixed we would need the detection method how to get the base address, from some PCI config space maybe?) ==>The GPIO pin defined to relate with south bridge. If south bridge has changed, the GPIO pin has different. Thanks Best Regards Chunhao 2005-03-04 ===========================================================================================The privileged confidential information contained in this email is intended for use only by the addressees as indicated by the original author of this email. If you are not the addressee indicated in this email or are not responsible for delivery of the email to such person, please kindly reply the sender indicating accordingly and delete all copies of it from your computer and network server immediately. We thank you for your cooperation. It is advisable that any unauthorized use of confidential information of Winbond is strictly prohibited; and any information in this email that does not relate to the official business of Winbond shall be deemed as neither given nor endorsed by Winbond.===========================================================================================If your computer is unable to decode Chinese font, please ignore the following message. They essentially repea! t the English statement above.???H???????t?????q?l???]???????K?????T, ?????v???o?H?H???w?????H?H???\????. ?????z???D?Q???w?????H?H???]???????]?b???g???v?????????U???????H??, ???z?i?????o?H?H?????Y?N?H???q?q???P???????A???????H????. ?????z???X?@, ?????????P??. ?S??????, ???????g???v?????????????q?l?????K???T???????O?Q?Y???T????. ?H???P?????q?l???~?L???????e,???o?????????q?l?????????N??.