Hi Mark, > since MIC184 has TWO sensors, it should not be added to lm75 IMHO. > We shouldn't add a second sensor to the lm75 driver. It doesn't really have two sensors. It simply can use an external sensor *instead of* the internal one. It cannot use both at the same time. It is certainly possible to design a driver that continuously switches from internal to external and back, but that would require a clever timing and I don't think it's worth the effort. The chip is simply not designed for this use. I invite you to consider all the drawbacks of such a design (delayed interrupt response to overtemperature, need to have the same overtemperature and hysteresis temperature for both "channels", impossibility to know which "channel" caused an alarm/interrupt, and possibly more bad surprises if we were to really write such a driver). Anyway, I don't think that Frank was interested in this - the mic184.c driver he proposed would only export one set of sysfs files. Thanks, -- Jean Delvare