Hello, My hardware on the system in question is abit KT7RAID AMD 1.0 Ghz processor. Software Fedora core 2 with SElinux enabled. I am sure this is a simple to solve issue, but I haven't been able to find the answers in all the documentation. What I am trying to do is get RRD to graph my sensor output. I read, and installed rrd-tools, and lm-sensors as per instructions. I successfully was able to get santafu to pull the output from lm-sensors, and the sensors command kicks back information. the issue I am having is there is lots of stuff pointing to kernel 2.4's procfs output, not 2.6's sysfs output. Since I have never worked with hardware health programs on linux, I have not real idea if the area's I am looking at are correct. The directory I found information ( I found two actually) is: /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/via686a/0-6000 and /sys/devices/platform/i2c-0/0-6000/ I am not sure what ones to point to in the rrd makefile. What I have is: # Edit the following for your setup # USER=apache #CRONTAB=/var/spool/cron/tabs/$(USER) RRDPATH=/usr/local/rrdtool/bin BINPATH=/usr/local/bin RRDDIR=/var/lib/sensors-rrd APACHE=/var/www/html APACHDIR=$(APACHE)/senspix SENSDEV=via686a MACH=`uname -n` # # Everything below here should be fine # RRDB=$(RRDDIR)/sensors.rrd SENSDIR=/sys/bus/i2c/drivers/$(SENSDEV) This is as far as I have edited the file. the RRD cgi script only shows: #!/usr/local/rrdtool/bin/rrdcgi ONE DAY VIEW See also: One Week View One Week Summary View TEMPERATURES ' -a PNG -h 200 -w 800 --lazy -s -1days -v "Temperature (degrees C)" -t "Motherboard temperature" -x HOUR:1:HOUR:3:HOUR:3:0:'%b %d %H:00' -y 1:5 DEF:temp=/var/lib/sensors-rrd/sensors.rrd:temp1:AVERAGE LINE2:temp#FF00FF> >From the looks of it, the rrdcgi script isn't creating the image file, and it isn't showing up in my logs as to why/where this fails. Any help would be appriciated Seann