Rebonjour Jean, > I remember we have been discussing about this chip some times > ago. A guy named > MonMotha was working on a driver like one year ago. > > Chosen mailing-list threads: > > > > You will find driver code at the end of the second thread, in > case you want to > compare with what you have. It's funny how my code is similar to his, considering I started from scratch. :) This leads me to a question that has been bugging me fow a little while. You see, the PCA9555 chip is NOT a sensor chip. Hence, I find it rather inapropriate that its sysctl entries end up in /proc/sys/dev/sensors. In fact, I think this choice should be left to the module writer. The root of this problem is, I think, that i2c-proc.o contains the sensor code. IMHO, i2c-proc should contain only the generic I2C services that are common to all I2C devices. We should come up with a new module, say, i2c-proc-sensors.o to hold everything related strictly to sensors. The hardware I'm working on right now has 4 I2C devices, with only one being a temp sensor... I'm stuck rewriting quite a bit of code because i2c-proc is too much sensor-specific (for my needs at least). I understand the i2c kernel development originates for lmsensors. However, there is much more to I2C devices than temp sensors; shouldn't the kernel code reflect that ? Things might already be better in 2.6, I honestly haven't looked at it yet. We only use 2.4 for the time being. > I understand your point. I will be working with a PCA9556 > myself pretty soon, > and am facing the same problem. The chip could be used for completely > different things in other systems, so writing a generic > driver doesn't seem to > make much sense. Maybe I'll end up writing a driver though, > with a low-level > interface only accessible to other kernel modules and not > user-space. I have > to think about it a little more. > The idea of having a driver for these chip is that we don't > want people to > rewrite code which already exists. I understand. It is a noble goal. I may revisit my PCA9555 module in the future (I'm a little too rushed right now) to give it a try as well! > Yes, we are interested. The prefered form is a patch against > the latest > lm_sensors2 CVS tree. Note that we are in a feature freeze > state for now, > until we release 2.8.8. This should happen within a week or > two. You can still > provide a patch now and we'll apply it later. > > Ideally the patch would contain a kernel driver in > kernel/chips, changes to > kernel/chips/ for it to be recognized, updates to > libsensors, a new > section in etc/, updates to prog/sensors, an update to > doc/chips/SUMMARY and documentation in doc/chips/lm77. If you > only provide > part of this, this is welcome too. I will do my best to provide as much as possible. It may take a little while, though. Spare time is a scarce resource! Merci encore & bonne journ?e ! Louis-Martin