After viewing the posts in this forum for a few days, it sure seems like this sort of "new user" question should go somewhere else but I didn't see any other list. Please advise if there's somewhere else this would be better posted. While not a totally new lm_sensors user - I have successfully installed a few sensors on other FC and Red Hat machines - I am not a developer nor am I any sort of sensors guru and I am stumped with my latest attempt. It seems this motherboard has a dual i450 with a 440bx chipset. I've got a fully patched and up to date FC2 running on it quite nicely. After I load up ATRPM's latest version of lm_sensors and run sensors-detect, it tells me to load, among other things, the bmcsensors module. Only problem is that it doesn't seem to exist. Googling around, I found a thread about someone's attempt to port an older bmcsensors to work with newer kernels and sensors but I'm afraid I didn't understand much of what was being discussed. And in the chips chart on the lm_sensors page I see that bmcsensors is in the process of being ported. Would it be possible for someone to spell out exactly what I need to do in order to aquire and load this bmcsensors thing. Or even if it's possible? Sorry for the nooby-ish type question. Thanks for your time!