>I've installed kernel-tmb-2.6.5-1.tmb.5mdk-1-1mdk.i586.rpm, and still no >temperatures. Several instances of Vcore 1, all showing different voltages. >This might tell me something, but don't know what it means: >[root at localhost bin]# find / -name *libsensors.so.3 >/home/william/lm_sensors-2.8.6/lib/libsensors.so.3 >/home/william/lm_sensors-2.8.5/lib/libsensors.so.3 >/usr/local/lib/libsensors.so.3 >[root at localhost bin]# cd /usr/local/lib >[root at localhost lib]# sensors -s >sensors: error while loading shared libraries: libsensors.so.3: cannot >open shared object file: No such file or directory >[root at localhost lib]# > >There's a feeling that I need install instructions for dummies at this >point. Comment please? Most likely you don't have /usr/local/lib in your library search path, or you forgot to run ldconfig after installing lm_sensors. Check in /etc/ld.so.conf. If you see no "/usr/local/lib" line, add it. Then run "ldconfig". Hopefully sensors will now find it. I invite you to get rid of any older version of sensors or libsensors you could have in /usr/bin and /usr/lib, respectively. Such files could have been installed through a distribution package and would get in the way of your newly installed files, possibly causing trouble. Jean