sent it to Phil a couple of years ago. Phil? Mark M. Hoffman wrote: > Hi Mark: > > IIRC, you have a real sis5595 board. Could you please try > this out on it? W/ kernel 2.6 as well, if you can. > > * author at <author at> [2004-03-14 20:23:54 -0800]: > >>Update of /home/cvs/lm_sensors2/prog/detect >>In directory >> >>Modified Files: >> sensors-detect >>Log Message: >>(mmh) Added custom detection for some SiS chipsets. This resolves a long- >>standing false detection problem. Other changes in support of this custom >>detection: >> >>1) Changed pci_list to a hash, with keys of the form "1039:0016" >>2) Added @kernel_version detection and comparison routine (thanks Khali) >>3) Removed legacy sub: read_proc_pci > > > Thanks, >