Dear sirs, I managed to make lm-sensors work with my ASUS A7V600, and I thought you would like to know the settings in sensors.conf in case anyone else needs them. I could not find any other suitable place to send this information. Hope it helps. If not, tell me where I can post this info. Here goes: I use Linux 2.6.3 compiled from source. I2C was compiled as modules. I used lm-sensors 2.8.4, also compiled from source. As instructed, I installed the user-space programms only (make user). I took the sensors.conf from the same version (2.8.4). The modules needed to load for the ASUS A7V600 are: i2c-isa and it87 Here goes the piece of sensors.conf that makes it work correctly: ##### sensors.conf ###### chip "it87-*" "it8705-*" "it8712-*" # The values below have been tested on Asus A7V600. # Voltages label in0 "VCore 1" # Put CPU VCore here, 1.65 in my setup set in0_min 1.65 * 0.95 set in0_max 1.65 * 1.05 # VCore2 not available in the A7V600 (reads 0.0) ignore in1 label in2 "+3.3V" set in2_min 3.3 * 0.95 set in2_max 3.3 * 1.05 label in3 "+5V" set in3_min 5.0 * 0.95 set in3_max 5.0 * 1.05 compute in3 ((6.8/10)+1)*@ , @/((6.8/10)+1) label in4 "+12V" set in4_min 12 * 0.95 set in4_max 12 * 1.05 compute in4 ((30/10) +1)*@ , @/((30/10) +1) # -12V and -5V not available in the A7V600 ignore in5 ignore in6 label in7 "Stdby" set in7_min 5 * 0.95 set in7_max 5 * 1.05 compute in7 ((6.8/10)+1)*@ , @/((6.8/10)+1) label in8 "VBat" #the chip does not support in8 min/max # vid is not monitored by IT8705F # and is not supported by driver at this time # ignore vid # Fans label fan1 "CPU Fan" set fan1_min 1500 label fan2 "CHA Fan" # Chassis fan ignore fan2 # Not connected, but usable (untested though) label fan3 "PWR Fan" # Power fan set fan3 1500 # Temperatures # The A7V600 seems to operate with thermistors, NOT diodes. label temp1 "CPU Temp" set sensor1 2 set temp1_over 55 set temp1_low 15 # Warning: The config example for sensors 2.8.4 suggested the following for the A7V600: # compute temp1 (@+128)/3, (3*@-128) # However, it did not work correctly. It was stuck at 58"C. # Instead the setting for A7V8X-X worked OK (same reading as the BIOS) compute temp1 (-15.096+1.4893*@), (@+15.096)/1.4893 label temp2 "M/B Temp" set sensor2 2 set temp2_over 45 set temp2_low 15 ignore temp3 # Not available on the A7V600 ##### sensors.conf end ###### With these settings, sensors outputs the following: it87-isa-0290 Adapter: ISA adapter VCore 1: +1.64 V (min = +1.56 V, max = +1.72 V) +3.3V: +3.24 V (min = +3.13 V, max = +3.45 V) +5V: +4.86 V (min = +4.72 V, max = +5.24 V) +12V: +12.16 V (min = +11.36 V, max = +12.60 V) Stdby: +4.99 V (min = +4.72 V, max = +5.24 V) VBat: +4.08 V CPU Fan: 3245 RPM (min = 2657 RPM, div = 2) PWR Fan: 3391 RPM (min = 3000 RPM, div = 2) CPU Temp: +50?C (low = +15?C, high = +55?C) sensor = thermistor M/B Temp: +34?C (low = +15?C, high = +45?C) sensor = thermistor Hope this information helps. Again, if you could show me some place more appropriate for this, let me know. Also, I am available for further testing and inquiries (BIOS version, board revision etc.) Best regards, Thomas Venieris Athens, Greece -- moT "There's the television. It's all right there. It's all right there. Look. Listen. Kneel. Pray. Commercials." (12 Monkeys)