> I've been looking over the lm-sensors site(s) the past few weeks, and > it appears the adm9240 driver hasn't been ported (yet). Correct. > So, I've started porting the driver, and should have something up > for download this evening (CET). Great :) > It's working quite well, only issue remaining (that I can see) is that > prog/sensors/chips.c has some kind of hard-coded mappings for adm9240 > sysfs values (2.5V, 1.5V, etc.), and I'm using the standard sysfs > values in0, in_min0, etc. I hope I did the right thing ;) You don't have to care about how things were named in the 2.4 kernel version of the driver. What you must pay attention to is the sysfs-interface document. The links with the old names will be done in libsensors once your 2.6 driver is reviewed and accepted. Thanks. -- Jean Delvare http://www.ensicaen.ismra.fr/~delvare/