> I've read ticket 1506 on the sensors support page, "asb100 isn?t > detected on a7v333", and that's why I'm following up via email, as > suggested in the ticket answer. This address is mentioned as a > mailing list but uhm, I didn't find a way to actually subcribe... This is a real list, but no subsciption is needed. > I have the same problem on an Asus P4PE; according to the lm_sensors > 2.8.2 release notes I thought ASB100 was fully supported (is that > right?), but sensors-detect fails to recognize it on my system > (Mandrake 9.0, kernel 2.4.19-35mdk). > > "i2cdetect -v" returns versions 2.8.2, so I suppose I do not have > old stuff around. Can you please provide the full sensors-detect log? The reason it fails for you may differ from ticket #1506. -- Jean Delvare http://www.ensicaen.ismra.fr/~delvare/