thanks for testing. In the short term you'll have to download and install i2c-CVS to get i2c-proc.h. let us know how it goes. We'll have to think about a long-term solution. "R. Reucher" wrote: > > Thanks for your replies, Mark & Mark :)... but I'm stuck at compilation of > lm_sensors2 right now. > > Two problems, one "solved" (or worked around): first, there was a missing > dependency (mach_mpspec.h) which I solved by adding another Linux kernel > include dir "$(LINUX_HEADERS)/asm/mach-default" to the top-level Makefile. > This is okay for me, but I think the Makefile needs a more generic and > automated detection of the selected subarchitecture type... please ignore my > ignorance, if I'm talking about things I'm not very familiar with :). I'm new > to I2C and lm_sensors, but an experienced programmer myself. > > The second missing dependency is "i2c-proc.h". When I understand it correctly, > 2.6.0-xxx doesn't support /proc/bus/i2c any longer. Please correct me, if I'm > wrong, but at least I couldn't find any thing like that in the new kernel... > or am I doing/guessing something totally wrong here? > > votan:~/src/lm_sensors2 # make user > make: *** No rule to make target `linux/i2c-proc.h', needed by > `kernel/chips/vt1211.d'. Stop. > > Up to this point it compiles like a charme... but I can't get around this one, > because there is no "i2c-proc.h" in the kernel includes. > > Hope my tests help supporting 2.6 in any way. > > Regards, Rene > -- > Ren? Reucher > BATCOM IT Services > > Tel: +49 160 94957806 > FAX: +49 6359 205423 > rene.reucher at > > _____________________________________ > V-webmail -