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Dear sir

I am not able to detect sensors on my motherboard.

I am attaching the output of sensors-detect in sensors-detect.out file.

The output of lsmod command is in lsmod.out file attached.

The output of lspci -n command is attached in lspci.out file.
Please see it.

The chipset of my motherboard is intel 82440B/ Intel82440ZX/VIA

The sensors version is lm_sensors-2.5.5

The linux kernel version is 2.4.2-2

Please help me.
Waiting for your valuable response.

Hitesh Kr. Gulati
Engineer - SC
Institute For Plasma Research
Near Indira Bridge
Bhat, Gandhinagar(Gujarat)
Ph.(079)3969001-15(O) Extn 226/315

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