Hello everybody, I'd like to request the following I2C IDs for the OVCam driver project <http://alpha.dyndns.org/ov511/> I2C_DRIVERID_OVCAMCHIP Chips: OmniVision OV6130, OV6630, OV7110, OV7610, OV76BE, OV7120, OV7620, and OV7620AE CMOS image sensors Address: 0x60 (OV6xxx), 0x21 (OV7xxx) Driver: ovcamchip (formerly ovsensor) Driver status: Preparing for 2.5 kernel inclusion I2C_DRIVERID_TDA7313 Chips: SGS-Thomson TDA7313 and Princeton Technology PT2313L audio processors Address: 0x44 Driver: tda7313 Driver status: Minimally functional I2C_HW_SMBUS_OV511 Chips: OmniVision OV511 and OV511+ USB 1.1 webcam ICs Driver: ov511 Driver status: In 2.4/2.5 kernel (I2C support under development) I2C_HW_SMBUS_OV518 Chips: OmniVision OV518 and OV518+ USB 1.1 webcam ICs Driver: ov511 (not a typo; the drivers are in the same module) Driver status: In 2.4/2.5 kernel (I2C support under development) I2C_HW_SMBUS_OV519 Chips: OmniVision OV519 USB 1.1 webcam IC Driver: ov519 Driver status: Under development I2C_HW_SMBUS_OVFX2 Chips: Cypress Ez-USB FX2 with OmniVision USB 2.0 webcam firmware Driver: ovfx2 Driver status: Experimental At the request of Luca <luca_ing at libero.it> of the W9968CF camera driver project <http://go.lamarinapunto.com/>, I would also like to request the following ID: I2C_HW_SMBUS_W9968CF Chips: Winbond W9967CF and W9968CF, and OmniVision OV681, dual-mode USB camera ICs Driver: w9968cf Driver status: Ready for 2.5 kernel inclusion You may add this info to your webpage if you like. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members of the Lm_sensors project for your excellent driver framework and thorough documentation. Keep up the great work! Best regards to all, -- Mark McClelland mark at alpha.dyndns.org